Create and Organise a Myplace Class
Create a Programme Site
Programme sites allow you to create a space where all of the students registered on a particular programme of study have access.
Programme sites can either be created so that:
- Every student in all years of the programme have access
- Students on specific years of the programme have access
See Create a Site for information on creating a site on Myplace for other uses.
Opening and Closing the Class to Students
This support page describes how to make the class available to students.
How to add a header banner to your site
This support page describes how to use the new header banner functionality to add an image banner to Myplace classes.
Topic Sections
These pages discuss working with the basic blocks of a Myplace class - topic sections.
- Adding a 'topic' section
This support page describes how to add another block section to your class, called a topic.
- Organise Sections
This support page describes how to move sections around, rearranging the order your topics appear on the screen.
- Collapsed Topic Sections
This article shows you how to display your class site with collapsible topic headings.
Class Resources
The pages here discuss how to add and organise resources for your class within the topic sections.
- Adding a Resource
This support page describes how to add a resource to your Myplace class page.
- Add a Label
This support page describes how to add a label to your class page, containing helpful text or something more.
- Add a Weblink
This support page describes how to add a link to an external website to your class page.
- Add Files
This support page describes how to add viewable and downloadable files to your Myplace class page.
- Adding a Reading List link
This support page describes how to add a reading list to your class page.
- Using the Equations Editor to Insert Mathematical Equations
This page describes how to insert mathematical equations into Myplace.
- Create, Upload and Manage Interactive Content with H5P
These pages discuss the use of H5P, a content collaboration framework using javascript that allows you to insert interactive content into Myplace.
- H5P: Interactive Video Part 1 - Navigation Hotspots
This support pages describes how to add an H5P interactive video with navigation hotspots - areas on the screen, which you define, which the viewer can click to jump to another part of the video, or even to an external URL.
- H5P: Interactive Video Part 2 - Crossroads
This support page describes how to add a crossroads to your video, which allows you to ask a multiple choice question and jump to a specific part by timecode.
- H5P: Making Pictures Interactive with Image Hotspots
This support page describes how to use "Image Hotspots" to make images interactive.
- H5P: Making an Interactive Timeline
This page instructs you on using the H5P resource to create an interactive timeline.
- H5P: Interactive Video Part 1 - Navigation Hotspots
- Adding a Reading List Resource and/or Section to your class page
This support page describes how to add a reading list resource and/or section directly into your class page.
Add and Manage Assessment Activities
The pages here discuss common tasks around populating your class page with content, accepting student submissions and capturing feedback.
- Add a Quiz
- Creating a Quiz
Quiz activities are a useful tool for testing student knowledge and application, and can offer facilities such as automated marking.
This article contains information on:
- Creating a Quiz (edit settings)
- Adding Questions
- The Question Screen
- Creating Quiz Questions
When creating a quiz it is important to remember there are two main parts; creating the quiz ‘front cover’ and the questions themselves – which are stored in the question bank. This article will show you how to create categories in the question bank (to keep it more organised) and some broad instructions for creating questions.
- Building and Managing Your Quiz
When creating a quiz it is important to remember there are two main parts; creating the quiz ‘front cover’ and the questions themselves – which are stored in the question bank. This article will show you how to add questions to the quiz, some basic editing and obtaining statistics about your quiz.
We recommend Creating a Quiz first then proceeding with these instructions.
- Quiz - Allowing Students extra time or more attempts
This support page describes how to override the quiz settings for specific members of the class. It is possible to do things like set a password, change the open and close times of the quiz, extend the time limit, or change the number of attempts for particular class members.
- Quiz - Allowing Students extra time or more attempts
- Quiz Question Types
Quick description of the various question types on Moodle. Links to Moodle documentation have been provided for further assistance.
- Creating a Randomised Quiz
This support page provides instructions on how to create a quiz that ensures students receive a random selection of questions from the question bank.
- Creating a Multiple Choice Question
This article will show you how to create a multiple choice question.
- Creating a Numerical Question
This article will show you how to create a numerical question. Numerical questions allow for a numerical answer within a specified range.
- Creating a Simple Calculated Question
This article will show you how to create a simple calculated question. This question allows you to enter a question which MyPlace will substitute in different values so that students get different questions. You then enter a formula for the answer.
- The STACK question type
Myplace includes the STACK question type, a sophisticated computer aided assessment system for mathematics, science and related disciplines.
- Disability Adjustments, Including Extra Time
Please see Additional Requirement Adjustments
- Question Behaviours
Questions behaviours determine how questions operate within a given quiz. They can behave in a traditional manner (no results until the quiz is finished), provide multiple tries or even require the student to have a specific level of confidence in their answer.
Core Moodle documentation on Question Behaviours is available on the Moodle WIki, this page just covers the most common scenarios at Strathclyde University
- Common Quiz Questions
This is a set of commonly asked quiz questions.
- Blind Marking Quizzes
By default quiz activities are not set up with blind marking. Most quizzes will be automatically marked by Myplace, and preventing users from seeing the student's names will be applied on all of the reporting (even if you are not marking).
The display of student names in the quiz is controlled by the
capability, which is normally held by all teaching staff.
- Creating a Quiz
- Add Coursework
Coursework activities support submission of assignments, presentations, recorded performances (audio/video) and essay question examinations.
- Offline Assignment
This article explains how to set up the assignment activity in Myplace for coursework which is submitted (or presented) outside Myplace, so that you can provide marks and feedback but not accept submissions.
- Set Up a Resubmission or Resit Assignment
This support page describes how to create and configure an assignment for resubmission or resit in such a way that students who do not need it will not see it on their Myplace pages.
- Assignment Turnitin Settings
This support page describes how to configure an assignment so that it uses the turnitin plagiarism detection software correctly.
- Set Up Video and Audio Submissions
This support pages describes how to accept a video submission from your students through Myplace.
- Add an Assignment: Workshop Settings
This support page describes how to set up a workshop - an interactive assignment where students can both submit their own work, and critique the work of their peers.
- Add an Assignment
This article will walk you though the process of setting up an individual assignment on Myplace, explaining the purpose of each setting.
If you are planning to set up a group assignment, please group students beforehand (check out the following articles). If you are looking to use the assignment feature for activities that will be submitted or performed offline, please refer to the offline submissions article.
- Offline Assignment
- Group Coursework
These pages discuss the management of groups in Myplace.
- Auto-creating Groups and a Grouping
This page describes how to have Myplace divide the class into groups for you, and then record that particular 'set of groups' as a 'grouping'.
- Manually Creating a Group and Adding it to a Grouping
This support page describes how to create a group manually, add the students you want to it and include it in a 'set of groups', or 'grouping'.
- Restricting Access to an Assignment by Group
This support page describes how to make an assignment visible only to a group (or groups) of students you specify.
- Restricting Access to a Topic by Group
This support page describes how to make a topic visible only to a group (or groups) of students you specify.
- Using Groups and Groupings with Assignments
'Groups and groupings' allows you to target specific groups of students within a class page which can then be applied to various activities via the settings.
This article contains:
Location of Group Settings
Description of each section and setting
Step-by-step guide to adding Groups and Groupings
- Posting a Notice to a Group
This page describes how to post a notice through Myplace only to members of a specific group.
- Group self-selection (Allowing students to self-enrol in a group)
This article will show you how to set up a Group self-selection activity to allow students to join a group in the course. This article is suitable for course administrators of classes, where there is a group component. It offers a digital alternative to the paper-based process of signing up to a group or tutorial slot.
- Auto-creating Groups and a Grouping
- Recording Exam Marks in Myplace
This page describes how to add a grade item to the gradebook; a grade item is the recommended method for recording exam marks.
- Extension Request Management
These pages discuss the management of coursework extensions in Myplace.
- Extension Requests
This page discusses how the extension request function will work. This feature is new to Myplace for academic year 2019/20.
- Granting Bulk Extensions
In exceptional circumstances it may be necessary to grant a large number of extension at once. This article will guide you through this process.
- Changing Extensions
There may be circumstances when you need to amend an extension that has been granted to a student. This outlines the correct procedure to do this.
- Extension Request Reports
A number of reports exist within Myplace to support extension requests and to allow the University, Faculties, Departments and individual modules to see the rate and distribution of extensions.
- eFirst Report
This reports supports the eFirst Committee reporting style. This provides an overview of the faculty levels of extension requests, broken down by the different request status (Total, Granted, Cancelled, Rejected, No Decision).
This report is likely to be superseded by Learning Analytics Insights reporting in the future.
- Category Extension Reports
The Category Extension Reports displays aggregated information about extensions based on the selection of Modules from within a Myplace category.
Typically a Myplace category represents the Institutional Organisation Hierarchy, but it may also be extended to include non-Organisation Hierarchy structures that are local to departments or faculties.
- eFirst Report
- Extension Management Administration
This page provides information on how to manage the administration of Extension Requests.
It covers the roles and capabilties and users can be allocated these features.
- Example Configurations
This page outlines some real extension management practices and configurations to support them.
- Extension Business Practices & Rules
This is a collection of business practices & rules that have been discovered relating to Extension Management
- Example Configurations
- Extension Requests
- Late Submissions
This page discusses the tool for applying late submission penalties automatically in Myplace assignments and how staff can disable it if needed. This feature is new to Myplace for academic year 2019/20 and only applies to the assignment activity.
- Recalculating Late Submission Penalties
Occasionally you may need to ask Myplace to recalculate the Late Penalty that is being applied to a submission. This article shows you how to do this.
- Disabling Automated Late Submission Penalties
Under some circumstances you may wish to disable the Automated Late Submission Penalties, this document will outline how to do this.
- Recalculating Late Submission Penalties
- Set Up Student Blogs
This page illustrates an approach to allowing student blogs as a teaching activity.
- Turnitin 'Checking' Submission Points
This support page describes how to configure turnitin so that it can be used as a checking tool as well as a plagiarism detection tool.
- Additional Requirement Adjustments
This article outlines how adjustments for additional requirements can be applied in Myplace
- Peer Assessment
- Managing a Peer Assessment activity
Staff View
Once you have created a peer assessment activity, you can access the staff view.
Students get a different view, and you can look at the /wiki/spaces/MS/pages/70648125 page for an overview of what they see.
- Managing a Peer Assessment activity
Staff View
Once you have created a peer assessment activity, you can access the staff view.
Students get a different view, and you can look at the /wiki/spaces/MS/pages/70648125 page for an overview of what they see.
- Managing a Peer Assessment activity
View Class from a Student Perspective
This support page describes how to view your class page as it appears to a student, to confirm that the settings in place have the effect you're hoping for.
Import Class Materials From an Existing Class
This support page describes how to import some or all of the class materials from an existing class, so that you can, for example, reuse materials, or combine classes.
Quick Settings Block Explained
This support page gives more detailed information about the quick settings block, what it's for, and what you can do with it.
Using MyPlace - Video Tutorials
These videos cover some of the Myplace basics for students. All the videos can be found on our YouTube Channel MyPlace Support
Create a Site
This support page describes how to create a personal 'playground' site to experiment with.
Exporting & Importing Group Memberships
The obvious route for Importing Groups appears to be the User > Groups > Import Groups button
This option only allows for the importing of group definitions, not group membership.
Myplace provides 2 custom options below the Groups menu item:
Course Banner Feature
Myplace v13 introduces some extra features to the Course Banners.
At the moment Course Banner are not turned on in course sites by default. You will need to turn them on manually.