Add Coursework

Add Coursework

Coursework activities support submission of assignments, presentations, recorded performances (audio/video) and essay question examinations.

Offline Assignment

This article explains how to set up the assignment activity in Myplace for coursework which is submitted (or presented) outside Myplace, so that you can provide marks and feedback but not accept submissions.

Set Up a Resubmission or Resit Assignment

This support page describes how to create and configure an assignment for resubmission or resit in such a way that students who do not need it will not see it on their Myplace pages.

Assignment Turnitin Settings

This support page describes how to configure an assignment so that it uses the turnitin plagiarism detection software correctly.

Set Up Video and Audio Submissions

This support pages describes how to accept a video submission from your students through Myplace.

Add an Assignment: Workshop Settings

This support page describes how to set up a workshop - an interactive assignment where students can both submit their own work, and critique the work of their peers.

Add an Assignment

This article will walk you though the process of setting up an individual assignment on Myplace, explaining the purpose of each setting. 

If you are planning to set up a group assignment, please group students beforehand (check out the following articles). If you are looking to use the assignment feature for activities that will be submitted or performed offline, please refer to the offline submissions article.

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