CPD.myplace On Boarding
This page is a work in progress.
This article covers the on-boarding of a module / modules for "loosely" affiliated students at the University.
Typically these are students that may be purchasing a non-accredited (ie. not part of a degree) module or modules, such as for CPD or other training, where establishing a longer term, formal record on central Student Record is not appropriate or relevant.
- 1 Pre-requisites, Constraints and Considerations
- 1.1 Constraints
- 2 Staff Registration
- 3 Course Layout
- 4 Course Building
- 4.1 Group Activities
- 4.2 Unavailable Content / Tools
- 4.2.1 Microsoft Services
- 4.2.2 Zoom
- 5 Student Registration
- 6 Student Enrolment
- 6.1 Self-Enrolment
- 6.1.1 Group Enrolment Keys
- 6.2 Store Fronts
- 6.1 Self-Enrolment
Pre-requisites, Constraints and Considerations
The following pre-requisites must be observed:
Modules must not be associated with Degree or similar programmes or where a formal on-going record.
Students cannot require a formal or on-going record held by the University's core student record.
Completion tracking of students on Modules is the responsibility of the module's leader.
Completion tracking of students on Modules must not purely rely on the data held in the CPD instance of Myplace.
Any verification of student completion of modules must be recorded and held out side of the instance.
Students will be required to self-register a profile against the instance using a personal email address.
The following service limitations affect the CPD instance. These are typically due to licensing limitations that exist for non-core users.