Self Registration (cpd.myplace)

Self Registration (cpd.myplace)

  1. Access CPD.myplace service
  2. The homepage should appear.
    CPD.Myplace homepage
  3. Click on the Log in option in the top right corner
  4. The login page will appear.
    CPD.Myplace Login page, showing login form and Create New Account option
  5. Click on the Create new account button on the right hand side. 

    Strathclyde University staff should click on the Log in via Shibboleth option to provision a profile on this service.

Creating your Account

Once you have selected Create a new account, a registration form will appear

CPD.myplace registration form

You must complete all of the fields marked with an *.

Once you have completed the form, click on the Create my new account button.

A confirmation email will be sent to the email address specified and the instructions should be followed to activate your account.

After Registration

Once your registration is complete, then you should be able to access the relevant module (this information should be made available to you from the module organisers) to enrol on it.