Student Module Evaluation
Student Module Evaluation
These pages provide information relating to Student Module Evaluation.
Staff users holding the Class Organiser role will be treated as having the responsibility for the Student Module Evaluation process. In this role you will:
- Be able to a class-site (and all of its class codes) in or out of the module evaluation process.
- Specify the period(s) that the module will be evaluated.
- Review the initial results report.
- Provide a "closing the loop" response to acknowledge students' feedback.
- Review the "final" results report, including closing the loop response that is provided to students.
See also Roles
Myplace Settings
Staff users holding the Class Organiser, Class Administrator or Faculty / Departmental Administrator roles can select student module evaluation preferences for a Myplace class site. Note that only the Class Organiser will receive notifications and reports from the system.
The guide Setting Up Module Evaluation in Myplace and video provides a step-by-step guide on switching on student module evaluation for a module and choosing settings in Myplace.
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