Module Management

Module Management


TeacherTeachers can do anything within a class, including changing the activities and grading students. Cannot see blind identities
Non-editingNon-editing teachers can teach in classes and grade students, but may not alter activities. Cannot see blind identities
(Class) AdministratorClass Administrators can access courses and modify them, but usually do not participate in them. Can see blind identities
(Faculty/Dept) Learning Technology AdvisorTeachers can do anything within a class, including changing the activities and grading students. Can see blind identities

Turn Editing On

For users with editing capabilities, corp.myplace is presented with editing controls visible at all times.

This is different from classes.myplace where users would need to explicitly enable editing mode.

To see the course as a student would see it you must use the Switch role to... option, which appears in the gear menu :

Course Formats

Only Topics Course is available at present.

Activity Presentation

(See Presentation for detailed information)

Activity Modules will typically be presented using a tile style

With multiple consecutive activities appearing in a grid display, present from left to right and then top to bottom.

These blocks of activities can be broken up through the use of Label resources:

The combination of these 2 approaches allows for a logical presentation of content and activity that is tied together within a given topic.

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