Student Management (Strategic FinTech Intake)

Student Management (Strategic FinTech Intake)

This is specifically about the user management for the Strategic FinTech programme.

Account Creation

Account creation is manual via CSV import.

The CSV file should have the following headers & information:

  • DS username,

  • firstname,

  • lastname,

  • email,

  • person code,

  • registration number

The Moodle file that is uploaded however uses the following headers:


Cohort Management

All of the users on a single instance of a programme will be gathered in to a single system-level cohort, that should be appropriately named.

All of the student users in the programme instance will be added to the cohort and the cohort will be enrolled on each of relevant class and programme sites.

This is different from the the current model in classes where students are individually enrolled into each site via the classes.myplace integration.