User Management

User Management


All users of corp.myplace will be authenticated via Shibboleth. 

User profiles for staff and students will be automatically pre-provisioned from data held in the University's Student Record system.

Manual Account Provisioning

Where a user (staff) requires access to corp.myplace, but is not associated directly with a programme or module role, their account must be manually provisioned.

Myplace Support staff should clone the user’s details from their Myplace record.

All attributes should be copied over, as access to “staff” features is determined by the usertype field, which needs to be “staff” or “both”.


corp.myplace has a number of roles that should be familiar from classes.myplace.






Teachers can do anything within a class, including changing the activities and grading students. Cannot see blind identities


Non-editing teachers can teach in classes and grade students, but may not alter activities. Cannot see blind identities

(Class) Administrator

Class Administrators can access courses and modify them, but usually do not participate in them. Can see blind identities

(Faculty/Dept) Learning Technology Advisor

Teachers can do anything within a class, including changing the activities and grading students. Can see blind identities

This PDF shows all of the capabilities defined against each role: CorpRolePermissions.pdf

These roles are not at present exhaustive and additional roles may be brought over from classes.myplace as a need arises.

Specific guidance

Business School

For the business school further clarification of these roles and alignment to the teaching delivery:

Lecturers would be anticipated to be the named staff who could be leading the module or equally may be the main presenter of the module.

Tutors would represent the day-to-day teaching staff who may be taking on the more significant aspects of teaching / administration of the module, including any changes or maintenance required

Non-Editing tutors would represent the day-to-day teaching staff who may be engaged with students and have limited responsibilities (such as marking) but not for making changes to the module's content.

Role Assignments

The majority of role assignments will be through PEGASUS roles and responsibilities, as per current Myplace user management processes.

Locally Administrated Roles

The following roles should be locally administered by the relevant departmental staff or the existing class staff:

  • Tutor

  • Non-Editing Tutor

Centrally Administrated Roles

Granting of these roles is via Myplace Support:

  • Learning Technology Advisor

  • Faculty / Department Learning Technology Advisor

In both of these cases, these roles are typically granted against a category (see Class Management for details on how classes are physically organised within corp.myplace).

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