Set Up Video and Audio Submissions

Set Up Video and Audio Submissions

This support pages describes how to accept a video submission from your students through Myplace.

If you need your students to submit video or audio files for an assignment. 

This should only be used for students to upload audio or video file content.

Presentation files (e.g. PowerPoint) or Documents (e.g. Word) should not be submitted into the Video/Audio Submission section, as these will be converted and may not result in a suitable piece of content. 

Non-Video / Audio files should be attached via the File Submission option, and student should be given appropriate guidance based on the expected submission requirements.

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1) There is now a setting to allow video/audio submissions as well as any other type of file. If enabled this allows students to upload video or audio files in a way which will embed the files into the submission area. 

This is a new function of the University's e stream plugin previously only available for staff to use for streaming video/audio. 

To enable this, make sure the Video/Audio Submission box in 'Submission types' is ticked. 

2) The following steps are instructions for students on how to upload. The submission point for the assignment looks exactly the same as an assignment without Video/Audio submissions enabled. To start submission, click 'Add submission'

3) Below the (any) file submission box there will be another box with the title 'Upload a Video or Audio file'

4) to upload this kind of file, click the 'Browse' button to browse to the video/audio file on your PC. 

5) Double click the file you want to upload.

6) This will take you back to the upload box. Click the 'Upload' button.

7) You will see an upload progress bar, wait until this reaches the end.

8) After the bar is finished, click 'Save changes' to save the file.

If you try to save your submission before the upload process has finished or you have not clicked 'Save Changes' your video will not have uploaded. The indicator screen shown on the right will display 'Sorry, invalid url' or a similar error message.

If you see this screen, you must upload your video/audio file again. 

9) If you have successfully uploaded your file you will see the screen on the right. 

You will not see the full video appearing straight away. This is because your video file is being processed, don;t worry you have uploaded it successfully but the processing takes some time, during which you'll see the message 'coming soon' in the embedded video/audio file.

10) Check back a little later and you should see the full video/audio file embedded in the submission area.

11) The grader will also be able to view the video/audio submission in the View/Grade all submissions page.

If you want to provide your students with instructions on how to upload this way, and we strongly advise that you do, the following link can be used:

Student Instructions to Upload Audio/Video Files

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