Blind Marking Quizzes

Blind Marking Quizzes

By default quiz activities are not set up with blind marking. Most quizzes will be automatically marked by Myplace, and preventing users from seeing the student's names will be applied on all of the reporting (even if you are not marking).

The display of student names in the quiz is controlled by the quiz/grading:viewstudentnames capability, which is normally held by all teaching staff.

Removing student names

  1. Access the Quiz activity
  2. In the Quiz Administration menu select the Permissions link:
  3. The Quiz permissions page will appear. This displays all of the capabilities that apply to the Quiz and which roles hold those permissions.

    Where a role is listed in Roles with permission a user in that role will be able to do actions controlled by that capability.
    There is also a Prohibited column and this indicates roles where the capability has been actively prevented.
  4. Use the Filter to search for the capability quiz/grading:viewstudentnames:

  5. To prevent a given role (and thus all the users whole that role) there are 2 options:
    1) You can remove the role from the Role with permission column using the bin icon
    2) You can add the role to the prohibit column.

Removing Role from Capability

If you remove a role from the capability users in that role will not be able to do any action the capability governs unless another role they hold re-instates it.

So in the example above, removing the Lecturer from the capability would mean that any user with only the Lecturer role would no longer see student names. However if they also held the Class Administrator role they would continue to see the names

Prohibiting Role from Capability

If you want to force the user to not be able to see the students under normal circumstances but be able to access them, you can add the Role to the Prohibited column.

This means that as long as the user holds a role that has the capability prohibited, their other roles will not grant it.

However users may use the Switch roles to feature to select a single role (e.g Class Administrator) and as long as that role allows it, they will see the student names.


Prevent Lecturers from seeing names, but allow Class Admins to see names and (Class Admin + Lecturer) users the option to switch to see Student Names:

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