Add an Assignment: Workshop Settings
This support page describes how to set up a workshop - an interactive assignment where students can both submit their own work, and critique the work of their peers.
11) Availability
All dates - open for submissions from, submissions deadline, open for assessment from and assessment deadline - are displayed in the course calendar.This section deals with setting submission times and assessment times for the workshop. That is the time when students can start submitting as well as the deadline for submitting, and similarly the time assessments for other students’ work start and when they must finish assessing other students work.
Availability lets a teacher decide if they want a workshop with a closed schedule or one that is open ended. Setting an opening time but leaving the deadline open makes it an ongoing activity. To set the opening time and deadline for either submissions or assessments teachers must click the enable button next to the option they want to set. Once the enabled has been checked the 5 drop down boxes will be activated and available for change.
The first three boxes correspond to the date and we can either set this box by box or by selecting the date in the calendar that pops up when any of the date boxes are selected. The last two boxes correspond to the time in 24 hour time, the first of the two being hours and the second being minutes. Teachers simply set the desired time for each of the sections they wish to activate.
If teachers check the box "switch to the next phase after the submissions deadline", the workshop will automatically switch to the assessment phase about 10 minutes after this date/time.
Note that even if Switch to the next phase after the submissions deadline is enabled a teacher will need to manually move the workshop into Submission Phase and click on Close to conclude the workshop and reveal the assessments.