Recommended Assignment Settings (Formal Assessment Period)

These are the recommended assignment settings for assessments (e.g. Examinations) that are to be submitted during a Formal Assessment Period. 


Availability dates

  • The due date is the deadline
  • The cut-off date is the date after which no more submissions can be made (without a formal extension).

A due date must be specified.

A cut-off date may be specified to allow a sufficient window to accommodate late submissions.

The cut-off date may be greyed out - please ensure the Enable check box is ticked, shown in red.

In this example, the dates in orange show a deadline of the 20th and a cut-off date of the 25th. This allows a 5 day window to allow for late submission.

Assessment and feedback policy

It is recommended that assignments during the formal assessment period are not covered by the University Assessment and Feedback policy settings Myplace.

This is not the default - to exempt the assignment, tick the "This activity is not covered by the University Assessment and Feedback policy" option, indicated in red.

Extension and late submission policy

Extension Requests

It is recommended that Extensions Request may still be handled in Myplace - this is the default setting and you don't need to do anything.

You may need to check where Extension Request Notifications are sent

Automatic Late Submission Penalties

Automatic Late Submissions Penalties should not be applied.

This is not the default. Ensure the Disable Late Submission Penalties check box is Unticked to exempt your activity from this.

Submission identified as late should be considered on a case-by-case in line with current guidance.

There is no further Myplace set up required to accommodate late-submissions, as penalties are not applied automatically.

Submission settings

It is recommended that students are not required to click the submit button. This is the default behaviour and should already appear as it does in red (No).

When set to No, Students are able change their submission up to the cut-off date.

  • It will prevent student submissions remaining as "drafts" at the due date, and incurring an automatic late submission penalty (if this is enabled).
  • This may result in the students inadvertently changing an on-time submission to being late.
  • there is a possibility that a student changes their submission whilst marking is taking place, if marking has started before the cut-off date has elapsed.

If set to yes, and automatic late submission penalties have not been disabled:

  • the students will receive a penalty on their grade if they have not remembered to click on the Submit Button, once they have uploaded their submission.

Turnitin plagiarism plugin settings

It is recommended you enable the Turnitin plagiarism plugin, and not display originality reports to students. This is the default behaviour and should already appear as it does in red.

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