New for 2019 - Updated Gradebook and Improved Marks Return Process
The Gradebook
About the Gradebook
- Categories in the gradebook
- Moving activities into categories
- When some sets of grade items are combined differently from others
Gradebook Structures
- Setting up the Gradebook for a Multi-Class Site
- Discipline-Specific Gradebook
- Marks Return Gradebook
- Resits in the Gradebook
- Weighting Activities Within a Category
- Gradebook Weightings
- Using Grade Calculations
- Rounding results in the Gradebook
- Visibility - how it works and what it means
- Controlling student access to grades using the gradebook
- Grade Visibility Anonymous Marking
- Grade Visibility Marking Workflow
- Grade Visibility Gradebook
- Relationship between Activity & Grade Visibility
- Quiz grade visiblity
Mark Codes
Marks Return
Overview of the Marks Return System
Preparation for Return
Managing Returns
Marks Return system - the two main screens
Create a New Marks Return
Manually adding Marks to Marks Return
Return marks by file upload
Pulling marks from the gradebook
Resubmission and Resits
Empty a return
Batched Returns
About Mark Codes
Fixing an already returned student mark
How can I return Pass/Fail marks?
Articulation Class Marks Return
EX- classcode (external study) Marks Return
Create and Organise a Myplace Class
Create a Site
Create a Programme Site
Opening and Closing the Class to Students
How to add a header banner to your site
Topic Sections
Class Resources
Add and Manage Assessment Activities
View Class from a Student Perspective
Import Class Materials From an Existing Class
Quick Settings Block Explained
Using MyPlace - Video Tutorials
Exporting & Importing Group Memberships
Improve Interaction and Engagement
Unable to render {children}. Page not found: Improve Interaction and Engagement with your Myplace Class Students.
How Can I Take Attendance?
How do I create a Myplace site for a specialty cohort of students?
What's the difference between Calculated Weight and Contribution to course total??"
How can I check if students can see an assignments' grade and feedback?
What happens in Myplace when a student goes in to Voluntary Suspension
How do I "fix" an incorrect question?
Student Appears as Suspended in Myplace Class
Error: Results have been assigned to an exam board meeting, but a one was sent from VLE
Error: Results have been assigned to an exam board meeting, but one was not sent from VLE
Error: "A result has been entered directly onto the Student Record, mark cannot be accepted"
Duplicate Registration Numbers found when uploading to gradebook
When I search for a class code it displays "Nothing to Display"
I can't find my class code in marks return
I can't see any submissions to grade
Can I batch returns for a class code without the original grades becoming a second attempt?
Microsoft Stream FAQ
Do Students get Zoom Accounts?
No compatible source was found for this media
How do I pre-assign Myplace Groups in Zoom
How can I share a Zoom meeting with 2 different Class Codes?
How can I return EX code classes?
What should I do if I cannot see a student's submission within an assignment submission list?
Marks Return FAQs
Error: 'Exception - Argument 3 passed to gradereport...'
Marks return upload fails with 'Coding error detected...'
Do you have information about online exam boards?
A second marks return has been created where only one is needed
Can I give extra time to a quiz that is in progress?
One of my marks returns has a triangle instead of the green tick
How can I see the visibility of grade items easily?
I can't return a mark as there is a padlock
The search box in marks return doesn't find my return
The marks return Validation Report is unreadable
My marks return shows a cross when it has been transferred
In marks return, the green tick doesn't work
How do I remove or replace a mark that's been transferred to student records?
Error: 'You do not have access to the gradebook for this class, so are unable to configure gradebook columns.'
Error: 'RUL Code does not exist'
An MSc dissertation student is missing from the marks return class list
A student is on my marks return who I know has taken Voluntary Withdrawal
How long are Myplace Sessions?
How do I log out of Myplace?
How do I give group marks but my assignment is in individual submission mode?
Why can't I create a site?
Copyright Information
Duplicate Registration Numbers Found
I have received the following error: "Privacy Error: You connection is not private (NET::ERR_CERT_AUTHORITY_INVALID)"
Some of my embedded content from other sites doesn't show in Myplace. Why not?
My banner image doesn't cover the full available width on the screen
I've received a TurnitinUK Paper View Request
I can't see any of the editing buttons on my Myplace class
How do I find classes that I am eligible to enrol onto?
How can I view Myplace using 'incognito' or 'private browsing' to see what my page looks like?
How can I set up and adjust the email notifications on my profile?
My class list is incorrect
I receive a 'Loading Error' message on Safari when I try to use Turnitin. What should I do?
I can't seem to view my originality report, but I have already submitted my assignment
Some Students do not appear in the Offline Grading Worksheet, what should I do?
Search / Browse Staff Help Topics
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- migration
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