Quiz grade visiblity

Quiz grade visiblity

This page outlines how the Quiz activity manages it’s own grade visiblity in the grade book, depending on the state of the quiz for a given student.

​The quiz activity "governs" it's grade visibility directly, and not via the gradebook (it's one of the few activities that does this), as quizzes are intended to allow for automatic grading and release.

The visibility is governed by the "Review options" on the quiz settings, and if you have set a time for the quiz to close, the "final" column "After Quiz closes" comes in to play.​

Once students have finished and submitted their quiz it, a time to close the quiz is set, and that time elapses (and the quiz is visible), the checked items will be displayed to students.

If none are selected the will not see any further information. To "manually" release these grades, you would edit this column's checkboxes to determine what grade items they then see.

Likewise the other "states" under review options govern what the students see whilst the quiz / their attempt on the quiz in that state. For the most part these wouldn't display any information if the quiz is a high stakes/summative activity (but for formative ones these options may be helpful for automating the feedback they get).