

These pages discuss visibility as a tool to control when and how marks and feedback are released to students.


Visibility - how it works and what it means

A general introduction to visibility, and how to control the visibility of various parts of Myplace. Also known as "Students can't see their grades".

You can use the matrix on Relationship between Activity & Grade Visibility to see what effect a change to either activity or grade visibility will have on the students ability to see their grades.

Controlling student access to grades using the gradebook

How to hide and release grades to students.

Grade Visibility Anonymous Marking

This support page is an explanation of how anonymous marking will affect grade visibility for the student.

Grade Visibility Marking Workflow

This support page is an explanation of how marking workflow may affect grade visibility for the student.

Grade Visibility Gradebook

This support page describes how to control the visibility of a grade item in the class gradebook.

Relationship between Activity & Grade Visibility

Activity visibility and grade visibility are linked together, and it is important to understand how they work in relation to each other to manage what the students may see in their assignment and gradebooks

Quiz grade visiblity

This page outlines how the Quiz activity manages it’s own grade visiblity in the grade book, depending on the state of the quiz for a given student.

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