Grade Visibility Marking Workflow

Grade Visibility Marking Workflow

This support page is an explanation of how marking workflow may affect grade visibility for the student.

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1) If marking workflow is enabled in the assignment settings, this can also affect when the grade transfers from the assignment grade table to the class gradebook.

The other setting which affects this is anonymous marking. See Grade Visibility Anonymous Marking for more information about this.

2) Marking workflow allows you to move students through a grading process by allowing you set various 'states'. The initial state will be set automatically as 'not marked'  which can be seen in the assignment grade table. 

This means that the assignment will assume that you do not want the grade to appear in the class gradebook yet. 

3) If a grading staff member is grading via the assignment grade table then when they go to the grading area for a student, they will be presented with a dropdown to 'set marking workflow' state which they can do individually. 

4) Let's say, for example, the grader gives a grade of 95 and the sets the marking workflow to 'ready for release' and saves the grade. This state is an administrative tool to allow the class administrator to know the grade has been given and no more checks are necessary and is ready for release when the grades are to be released.

Notice the grade appears, the state is marked as 'ready for release' but the grade does not appear in the final grade column.

5) To release the grade to the final grade column and consequently to the class gradebook, the administrator selects the grade using the tick boxes to the far left. Then from the 'With selected...' dropdown menu selects 'Set Marking Workflow State' and clicks the Go button. 

6) Then chooses 'Released', sets the option to notify students or not and clicks 'Save Changes' 

7) The grade will now appear with the marking workflow state as released and the grade will appear in the final grade column and consequently the class gradebook. 

Remember, this doesn't necessarily mean that it's visible to the students yet, just that the grade exists in the gradebook. You still have controls on visibility within the gradebook to allow you to complete all marking before revealing grades to students.

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