Find an Enrolled Student by Name

Find an Enrolled Student by Name

This support page describes how to use Myplace to search for a specific student.


If students have chosen to use their middle name in Pegasus then the full name comes through to Myplace as one whole character string as that is how it is entered on Pegasus. This makes it difficult, on occasion, to find the correct user account on MyPlace when using manual enrolments on a class page. 


The searches work on using the character string in the search box to check against the full name so in this case searching on Michael Scott will not return this student, you’d need to enter ‘Michael Colquhoun Scott’ or even ‘Michael Colquhoun’ or ‘Michael Colq’ etc.  If you just enter ‘Michael’ or ‘Scott’ then he will also be returned in the search, but only in a list of all people with the words Michael or Scott included in their names and since it is a very common name I’d guess there would be too many too scroll through easily.  It will also include names which have these characters in them, e.g. Michaela, or either of these names as a Middle name.

The other thing you can do is add the wildcard character to the search, so if you search for Michael % Scott then Michael Colquhoun Scott will come up.

Example screenshots are shown below to show how you can: 

  1. Search by username
  2. Search by Wildcard using the percentage symbol (%)

Search by Username                                                                                                 Search by Wildcard  (%)


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