Manual Enrolments - Adding Informal Roles to a Class

This article refers to Enrolling of users in an informal way (on-the-fly) to your class.

Typically, Formal Roles in Class Catalogue Classes are added via Pegasus

  • Staff Roles are added using the "Manage my responsibilities" link in the Pegasus Administration console.

  • Student Roles are added from the students registered classes within Pegasus.  

For more information on the formal roles, See article: Class Setup: Enrolments - Adding Staff Roles in Pegasus

Step-by-step guide: Informal Roles on your Class

1. In the Administration block (always on the left-hand side of your page) within your class, click Users then click Enrolled Users.



2. On the Enrolled Users page Click on the Enrol Users button and then search for the user.


3.The enrol users screen will pop-up. It is best to use the following procedure so as to ensure the participants has the correctly assigned role, the correct participant is selected and to have confirmation of the process. All highlighted sections are shown in the screen below in Point 6


    • Select the assigned role via the Assigned Roles drop-down menu for your participant (e.g. Student, Non-editing Tutor, Class Administrator etc.)

    • Search for a particular user on MyPlace via the Search function.
      You should use their email address as users may share the same names.

    • Confirm participant within the Enrol Users Pop-up list

    • Enrol the user via the Enrol button to the right of their details  

    • Click Finish Enrolling Users to confirm selection  


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