Marks Return FAQs
Marks Return FAQs
This is the collection of Marks Return FAQs.
A second marks return has been created where only one is needed — Two marks returns for one class code, for the same exam board have been created.
A student is on my marks return who I know has taken Voluntary Withdrawal — One of my students took Voluntary Withdrawal, but still appears on my marks return.
About Mark Codes — The use of mark codes was agreed through consultation facilitated through the Faculty Managers between August and November 2018. This article covers the reasoning behind the decision for including or not including marks along with mark codes.
An MSc dissertation student is missing from the marks return class list — A student is not listed in the marks return class page for an MSc dissertation class.
Error: 'Exception - Argument 3 passed to gradereport...' — When starting a new marks return, I get the error 'Exception - Argument 3 passed to gradereport_ema\local\marks\grade_band_group\grade_band::__construct() must be of the type float, null given, called in [dirroot]/grade/report/ema/classes/local/data_provider/oracle_examboard_data_provider.php on line 363'.
Error: 'RUL Code does not exist' — When trying to transfer my marks return, I get the error 'RUL Code does not exist'.
Error: 'You do not have access to the gradebook for this class, so are unable to configure gradebook columns.' — Trying to pull gradebook columns through via setting on the class page, I am prevented by this error.
How can I return EX code classes? — I need to return some marks for EX code classes, but it doesn't appear in my marks return classes and I can't get the role.
How do I remove or replace a mark that's been transferred to student records? — I have transferred incorrect data. How can I remove it / transfer a correction?
I can't find my class code in marks return — On the front admin page of the marks return system, the class code I am marks returner for is missing from the list given on the drop-down menu.
I can't return a mark as there is a padlock — Instead of the mark and mark code boxes, there is a grey padlock preventing me from returning a mark.
Marks return upload fails with 'Coding error detected...' — Marks return upload fails with 'Coding error detected, it must be fixed by a programmer: Unknown file type'
My marks return shows a cross when it has been transferred — On the marks return admin page, there is a cross under transfer when I know I have successfully transferred the return.
One of my marks returns has a triangle instead of the green tick — I have saved and/or transferred my marks, but one (or more) of the returns has a triangle next to it.
The marks return Validation Report is unreadable — I want to use the validation report to check my marks return, but it has given me all the data on one line and is unusable.
, multiple selections available,
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