Discipline-Specific Gradebook
Discipline-Specific Gradebook
How to set up your gradebook with categories that are specific to your discipline. For example, language classes might use: speaking, listening, reading and writing.
The steps below demonstrate structuring a class gradebook around category names of your choice so that a class total is correctly calculated for each student.
We have used an example class in the steps below with an assessment regime as follows:
- Speaking (15%), Listening (15%), Reading (35%), Writing (35%).
- Speaking is made up of a presentation (10%) and an exam (5%)
- Listening is made of a piece of coursework (5%) and an exam (10%)
- Reading is made up of three pieces of coursework all of equal weight
- Writing is a single exam
Step 1 - Create your categories
Step 2 - Organise your categories as you want them to appear
Step 3 - Weight your categories
Step 4 - Move your activities into the correct categories
Step 5 - Weight the assessment items
Your gradebook is now complete.
, multiple selections available,
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