Moving activities into categories

Moving activities into categories

A page explaining how to move the activities in your gradebook into the categories you want them in.


The categories themselves can be moved in the same way.

Moving items

Step 1 - Choose the item you want to move.

To the left of each gradebook item, there is an up/down arrow symbol [image]. This is the move item button. For the item you want to move, click the move item button and you will be taken to the move item screen.

Step 2 - Click where you want the item moved to.

On this screen, you will see all of your categories and grade items with a target [image] on the lines between them. Click the target where you would like to place the item you are moving.

Step 3 - Check.

You will return to the gradebook setup screen with the item moved.

Moving Multiple Items

Step 1 - Choose the items you want to move.

Select the check boxes that correspond to the items you want to move

Step 2 - Choose what category to move them to

At the bottom left of the screen there is a box to choose which category to move the items into. Once moved check the items have been moved correctly.

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