Articulation Class Marks Return

Articulation Class Marks Return

There may be some cases where marks need to be returned to an exam board in order for students from external organisations to join a University of Strathclyde programme (articulation).

This page outlines some of the key points in this scenario

Electronic Marks Return Role

In order to return to these articulation classes you will need to hold the External Marks Return role on the class.

As most of these classes will be "owned" by the external organisation you will need to contact Student Business to allocate you this role on the relevant codes.

Marks Return Process

Once you hold the Electronic Marks Return role on the articulation class code the Marks Return process for articulation classes is no different from any other class offered by the University.

Myplace Class Sites

As articulation classes are delivered externally from the University, they will not have a Myplace class site. 

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