Example Configurations

Example Configurations

This page outlines some real extension management practices and configurations to support them.

Faculty of Engineering

The capabilities relating to extension requests (view, decide and receive notifications of requests) have been removed from the Owner, Lecturer and Class Administrator roles for the Engineering faculty.

Design, Manufacture & Engineering Management

All requests for DMEM courses are sent to the DMEM extensions approver(s) via the dmem-extensions@strath.ac.uk address.

Myplace Configuration


A single email notification address (dmem-extensions@strath.ac.uk) has been attached to the Faculty of Engineering > Design, Manufacture & Engineering Management category in Myplace. 

Notifications of Student Extension Requests will be delivered to the specified email address.

2Single designated user currently holds Extension Manager role on Faculty of Engineering > Design, Manufacture & Engineering ManagementThe designated user is the only user who can amend who has ability to manage Extension Approvers
3Designated Departmental Extension Approvers are assigned by the Extension Manager to hold the Extension Approver role on Faculty of Engineering > Design, Manufacture & Engineering Management

Only the named users can view & action extension requests

4The capabilities relating to extension requests (view, decide and receive notifications of requests) have been removed from the Owner, Lecturer and Class Administrator roles for the Engineering faculty

The default roles will no longer receive notifications of extension requests, and they will not be able to view or make a decision on any requests. 

This is in line with Engineering Faculty decision to restrict who can see the details of the extension requests

Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering

All requests for NAOME courses are sent to the MAE extensions approver via mae-extensions@strath.ac.uk.

Myplace Configuration


A single email notification address (mae-extensions@strath.ac.uk) has been attached to the Faculty of Engineering > Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

 category in Myplace. 

Notifications of Student Extension Requests will be delivered to the specified email address.

2Single designated user currently holds Extension Manager role on Faculty of Engineering > Mechanical and Aerospace EngineeringThe designated user is the only user who can amend who has ability to manage Extension Approvers
3Designated Departmental Extension Approvers are assigned by the Extension Manager to hold the Extension Approver role on Faculty of Engineering > Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

Only the named users can view & action extension requests

4The capabilities relating to extension requests (view, decide and receive notifications of requests) have been removed from the Owner, Lecturer and Class Administrator roles for the Engineering faculty

The default roles will no longer receive notifications of extension requests, and they will not be able to view or make a decision on any requests. 

This is in line with Engineering Faculty decision to restrict who can see the details of the extension requests

Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering

All requests for NAOME courses are sent to the NAOME extensions approver via naome-extensions@strath.ac.uk.

Myplace configuration


A single email notification address has been attached to the Faculty of Engineering > Naval Architecture And Marine Engineering category in Myplace. 

Notifications of Student Extension Requests will be delivered to the specified email address.

2HoD currently holds Extension Manager role on Faculty of Engineering > Naval Architecture And Marine EngineeringThe HoD is the only user who can amend who has ability to manage Extension Approvers
3A defined Departmental Extension Approver holds the Extension Approver role on Faculty of Engineering > Naval Architecture And Marine Engineering

Only the named user can approve extension requests

This could be a single point of failure, but (2) allows an alternative person to be granted the capabilities.

4The capabilities relating to extension requests (view, decide and receive notifications of requests) have been removed from the Owner, Lecturer and Class Administrator roles in the Politics and Government categories in Myplace. 

The default roles will no longer receive notifications of extension requests, and they will not be able to view or make a decision on any requests. 

This is in line with Engineering Faculty decision to restrict who can see the details of the extension requests

Faculty of HaSS

School of Government and Public Policy

All extension requests for SGPP classes are to go to the course support team.

The classes are spread between 3 Myplace categories: HaSS/Politics and HaSS/Government and Faculty of Business > Economics > MScGSC Classes

Myplace configuration


A single email notification address has been attached to the Politics category in Myplace. 

  1. Notifications of Student Extension Requests will be delivered to the specified email address.
  2. The Course Support Team can amend the users who can see the mailbox directly without having to contact Myplace Support to change the recipients.
  3. Rules can be applied to the mailbox to automatically distribute notifications / perform other actions if necessary.
2A single email notification address has been attached to the Government category in Myplace. 
3All members of the Course Support team have been made Extension Approvers on the Politics and Government categories in Myplace. The course support team members will be able to go into any class site in the category, review extension requests and record a decision against the student's request.
4A Course Support Team member has been made Extension Manager the Politics and Government categories in Myplace. The user can delegate other users to the Extension Manager role and can maintain the members of the course support team who may record decisions as Extension Approvers.
5The capabilities relating to extension requests (view, decide and receive notifications of requests) have been removed from the Owner, Lecturer and Class Administrator roles in the Politics and Government categories in Myplace. The default roles will no longer receive notifications of extension requests, and they will not be able to view or make a decision on any requests.

A single email notification address ( hass-courses-gov@strath.ac.uk) has been attached to the  Faculty of Business > Economics > MScGSC Classes category in Myplace. 

School of Psychological Sciences and Health

The PSH Course support team field all requests for extensions. These are passed to appropriate staff for a decision that will be recorded by the Course Support Team.  They may grant a request up to 7 days (see Restricted Delegated Authority)

All notifications are delivered to the course support team mailbox, and the members of staff responsible for specific programmes / modules will pick up the appropriate requests.

To aid the set up of this all classes that are owned by the School have been placed in to a single  School of Psychological Sciences and Health category underneath Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Myplace.

Myplace configuration


A single email notification address has been attached to the School of Psychological Sciences and Health category in Myplace. 

  1. Notifications of Student Extension Requests will be delivered to the specified email address.
  2. The Course Support Team can amend the users who can see the mailbox directly without having to contact Myplace Support to change the recipients.
  3. Rules can be applied to the mailbox to automatically distribute notifications / perform other actions if necessary.
2All members of the Course Support team have been made Extension Approvers on the School of Psychological Sciences and Health category in Myplace. The course support team members will be able to go into any class site in the category, review extension requests and record a decision against the student's request.
3Course Support Team Manager has been made Extension Manager the School of Psychological Sciences and Health category in Myplace. The Course Support Team Leader can delegate other users to the Extension Manager role and can maintain the members of the course support team who may record decisions as Extension Approvers.

School of Law

The School of Law classes are primarily in the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences > Law category in Myplace.

Within this category a number of sub-categories have been established to group modules in to different levels or in to Programme groups.

Primarily modules are grouped under:

  • Law Postgraduate
  • Undergraduate classes
  • PG Diploma in Professional Legal Practice
  • Professional Competence Course

A number of LLM Programmes also have categories that hold modules as well.

There should be no modules located directly under the Law category. All modules should be placed under the relevant sub-category.

Myplace Configuration

1No redirection of extension request notification has been set on the top level Law category.
2Redirection of extension request notifications on modules within Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences / Law / Undergraduate Classes to hass-law-ugextensions@strath.ac.ukExtension Request Notifications will only be sent to this email address.
3Redirection of extension request notifications on modules within Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences / Law / Law PostgraduateTo hass-law-postgraduate@strath.ac.uk Extension Request Notifications will only be sent to this email address.
4Redirection of extension request notifications on modules within Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences / Law / LLM Construction Law
5Redirection of extension request notifications on modules within Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences / Law / LLM Internet Law and Policy
6Redirection of extension request notifications on modules within Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences / Law / LLM in International Economic Law & LLM in International Law and Sustainable Development to 
7Redirection of extension request notifications on modules within Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences / Law / LLM Human Rights Law 
8Redirection of extension request notifications on modules within Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences / Law / PG Diploma in Professional Legal Practice to hass-law-diploma@strath.ac.ukExtension Request Notifications will only be sent to this email address.

The default permissions for Class Administrator, Lecturer and Owner retain capabilities to 

  • the ability to view extension request
  • the ability to record a decision against an extension request.
Whilst default roles (Class Admin, Lecturer, Owner and Extension Approver) will not receive a notification of extension request (inline with the above settings), they are still capable of reviewing them and actioning the request.

School of Social Work & Social Policy

The Course Support team should receive all requests. They may grant a request up to 7 days (see Restricted Delegated Authority).

All L5 classes have been consolidated under the SoSW&SP category or sub-categories (e.g. Social Work, CELCIS).

Myplace Configuration


A single email notification address has been attached to the School of Social Work and Social Policy category in Myplace. 

  1. Notifications of Student Extension Requests will be delivered to the specified email address.
  2. The Course Support Team can amend the users who can see the mailbox directly without having to contact Myplace Support to change the recipients.
    1. Rules can be applied to the mailbox to automatically distribute notifications / perform other actions if necessary.
2All L5* classes re-parented under School of Social Work and Social Policy category Notification address will apply to all classes in the category and it's sub-categories.

Faculty of Business

1An Assistant Faculty Manager and Faculty Learning Technology Advisor have been made Extension Manager the Faculty of Buisness category in Myplace. The users can delegate other users to the Extension Manager role and can maintain the who may record decisions as Extension Approvers on the Faculty of Business Myplace Category and it's sub-categories.

Work, Employment & Organisation (and Strategy & Organisation)

To support extension management in WEO, a number of Myplace categories to collate related classes together.

These categories are:


  • HRM (Undergraduate)
  • Management (Undergraduate)
  • Human Resources Management (Postgraduate)

Strategy & Organisation

  • Hospitality and Tourism Management
Myplace Configuration


On the HRM (Undergraduate)  category a notification email address of weo-ug-hrm@strath.ac.uk is set

Notification of student extension requests will be delivered to the specified email address.

This will prevent notifications begin sent to the default roles (Class Administrator, Lecturer, Extensions Approver).

This does not affect any classes outside the defined categories. These will continue to send notifications inline with the default configuration.

2On the Management (Undergraduate)  category a notification email address of weo-ug-mgt@strath.ac.uk is set
3On the Human Resource Management (Postgraduate)  category a notification email address of weo-pg@strath.ac.uk is set
4On the Hospitality and Tourism Management
  category a notification email address of weo-ug-htm@strath.ac.uk is set

On each of the categories above, the default permissions for Class Administrator, Lecturer and Owner have been amended to remove :

  • the notification of student extension requests
  • the ability to view extension request
  • the ability to record a decision against an extension request.
Within the defined categories, only the Extension Approver role may view or action an extension request.

A number of class sites remain in either the top-level department categories or in other sub-categories.


MBM category of classes has been re-parented under Faculty of Business > MBA > MBA Unit. Requests will be sent to sbs-pgt-management@strath.ac.uk

Faculty of Science

Strathclyde Institute Of Pharmacy And Biomedical Sciences

Significant re-organisation of the Myplace classes and categories have been under taken to help with the organisation of this department.

Myplace Configuration


SIPBS category

The default capabilities have been set so:

Extension Approvers & Owners

  • view extension requests
  • receive notifications of requests
  • can action extension requests


  • view extension requests

Only Extension Approvers can action a request on classes in the SIPBS category & sub-categories, taking into account any more specific configurations in place.

Class Admins, Lecturers etc will not receive student extension request notifications.

The Owner role retains this to handle cases where a class has been manually created.

Class Admins, Lecturers etc will not be able to view or make a decision directly on student extension requests. They will need to approach the designated Extension Approver.

2All Biomedical Science undergraduate classes have been collated in to Faculty of Science > Strathclyde Institute of Pharmacy and Biomedical Sciences > Biomedical Undergraduate Classes Myplace category.Allows restriction of staff to particular areas of responsibility.
3All Pharmacy undergraduate classes have been collated in to Faculty of Science > Strathclyde Institute of Pharmacy and Biomedical Sciences > Biomedical Undergraduate Classes Myplace category.Allows restriction of staff to particular areas of responsibility.
4Most Postgraduate  classes have been collated in to Faculty of Science > Strathclyde Institute of Pharmacy and Biomedical Sciences > SIPBS Postgraduate Classes Myplace category.Allows restriction of staff to particular areas of responsibility.
5Extension Manager role has been assigned to a number of admin staff on the Faculty of Science > Strathclyde Institute of Pharmacy and Biomedical Sciences Myplace categoryThese members of staff can allocate the Extension Approver role on any sub-category within the SIPBs category.
6Extension Approver role has been assigned by local staff on the categories above based on their local administrative responsibilities

SIPBS Post Graduate Classes

Organiser, Extension Approver and Owner roles may:

  • view extension requests
  • receive notifications of requests
  • can action extension requests

Per #INC-77130

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