• Rough draft
  • Group Self Selection with Group Choice Activity

    The Group Choice Activity allows students to self-sign up for groups within a class themselves.


    Before creating the Self Selection Activity, you will need to create the grouping which will contain the groups the students will chose from.

    The Manually Creating a Group and Adding it to a Grouping page explains how to do this, keeping in mind that the groups need to be created first, so that they can be the added to a grouping.

    Once the groups and grouping have been created, the Groupings page should show which groups are contained within it:

    Grouping Overview, showing Groups assigned to Grouping “Group Test”


    1. Make sure the class is in Edit Mode, and click on Add activity or resource

    2. Click on the Group Choice Activity:

    3. Choose a title for the activity.

    4. Select the Groups that will be offered to Students to choose from.

    This has changed substantially from the Group Self Selection activity. More detailed guidance is in the Selecting Groups section below.

    Selecting Groups

    The options for choosing which groups are available to Students to select has changed substantially.

    Previously this was just a case of selecting an existing Grouping, and all groups within the grouping would be offered.

    With the Group Choice activity, you can choose any combination of groups from within the module.

    Adding Groups from a Grouping

    In the available Groups selector, Groupings are displayed as bold items, with an arrow on the left hand side.

    Selecting a Grouping option and clicking on the Add Grouping button will add all of the Groups under the group.

    If you add a new group to the group it will no longer automatically be added into the choice activity. You must add the group manually if you create a new group.