Excluding (Discounting) the Grades of Individual Assessment Items for Specific Students, using the Grader Report

Excluding (Discounting) the Grades of Individual Assessment Items for Specific Students, using the Grader Report

This article will demonstrate how to exclude the grades of individual assessment items (e.g. assignments, quizzes, exams) for specific students, using the Grader report. This action will result in a proportional distribution of the grade across the other items, included in overall (summative) grade total, based on the weights they are given in the gradebook. 


This action is suitable for classes, where the students have assessment components that are not mandatory. For example, if a class has three components: an exam, worth 50% of the total mark, a written assignment, worth 40% of the total mark and a quiz, worth 10% of the total mark.  For example, it is possible that a student with exceptional circumstances will have the quiz discounted - they will not be required to complete it in order to pass the class. In this case, instead of amending the gradebook calculation for the entire class, the course administrator can exclude the quiz component of the assessment from the grader report for the student that did not take the quiz, in which case the student's total grade will be calculated proportionally, using the exam and assignment grade.

Prior to following the steps below, make sure you have completed the weighting and organisation of your gradebook. For further guidance, make sure to check our gradebook support pages.


Step 1 - Access the class and turn editing on.

Access the class and turn editing on.

Step 2 - Access the Grade Menu

From the administration bar on the left, select 'Grades'.

Step 3 - From the Grader Report, Select Single View

From the drop-down menu at the top of the page, select 'Single View'.

Step 4 - Select a Grade Item

From the 'Select grade item...' drop-down menu (on the top left), select a grade item. Continuing the example from above, the item you would wish to adjust the grades for would be the quiz.

You can also filter based on a student, which will allow you to view all assessments for a particular student. If you would like to see how this view looks, skip to Step 6.

Step 5 - Select the students whose grade you wish to exclude

From the 'Exclude All/None' menu, select students, whose grade you wish to exclude for this specific assessment/grade item. 

You can exclude multiple students for the same assessment/grade item. 

Step 6 - Student View (Exclude multiple grade items per student)

You can access the grade summary records for specific students by selecting the student from the 'Select user...' drop down menu.

The view on the left shows an individual student grade summary. You can override the grade by amending the values in the Grade column. 

You can exclude individual grade items by ticking the corresponding boxes on the left.

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