Where to find it
If the staff responsible have made your grades available via the Gradebook User report you will be able to access it from the link highlighted in the administration block when you are logged into Myplace and viewing the relevant class page. If you can't see this link and you expect to please check with the tutor, lecturer or admin staff of your course that the marks have been returned and they have made this available.
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What you will find in it
The Gradebook user report can be formatted by your tutor/lecturer to provide a variety of grades, feedback and information such as the contribution of the grade to your total grade. To the right is an example of how a user report might appear but the teaching and admin staff on your course can choose to hide or show various information depending on what's needed.
- This shows the various assignments that have been uploaded for this particular class. From this you can see the grade, range percentage and contribution to course (class) total.
- The summative total shows the average value of the assignments added together. Please keep in mind that each item/assignment may have a different weighting (e.g. peer assessment may be worth 10% and test assignment 40% of the overall mark regardless of how many marks it's out of). If you have any confusion about this, please speak to yout tutor or lecturer to advise.
- In this case we used summative as the category name, which is common but again it can be edited by the teaching and admin staff so the titles may be different.