Quickstart Guide to Zoom
After consulting the guidance all support requests should be directed to videoconf@strath.ac.uk. Extension 5334, +44 (0)141 574 5334. For more information see Video Conferencing Service Booking & Enquiries.
What is Zoom?
Zoom is a cloud-based video conferencing service you can use to virtually meet with others - either by video or audio-only or both, all while conducting live chats - and it lets you record those sessions to view later.
Getting started
From your web browser, navigate to:
Enter your usual Strathclyde email address and password
Install the Zoom Client
Download the Zoom Desktop App (Zoom Client)
- Goto https://strath.zoom.us/download
- Click the Download and Install button.
- Once downloaded, open the App
- Go to the Sign in with SSO button
- Enter your Strathclyde email address and password
Download the Zoom Mobile App
- Goto https://strath.zoom.us/download
- Click the Download in App Store button for Apple iPhone or Download in Google Play for Android
- Once downloaded, open the App
- Go to the Sign in with SSO button
- Enter your Strathclyde email address and password
Testing your setup
It is a good idea to test your computer setup for Zoom using this link:
This will enable you to join a test meeting and check your internet connection, audio and video.
Scheduling a meeting
Click on Schedule a New Meeting
Select your meeting settings:
- Topic (Module Code, Class Type etc.)
- Description (optional)
- When (Date and Time)
- Duration (note: this is not a hard limit when the meeting will end, but will give invitees an idea of the meeting duration)
- Time Zone
- Recurrence
- Meeting Password (this is best left unchecked)
- Video (this is your webcam - it can be disabled or enabled)
- Audio (select Both)
- Meeting Options (select Mute upon entry)
Click Save to finish.