Quickstart Guide to Zoom

Quickstart Guide to Zoom

After consulting the guidance all support requests should be directed to videoconf@strath.ac.uk. Extension 5334, +44 (0)141 574 5334. For more information see Video Conferencing Service Booking & Enquiries

What is Zoom?

Zoom is a cloud-based video conferencing service you can use to virtually meet with others - either by video or audio-only or both, all while conducting live chats - and it lets you record those sessions to view later. 

Getting started

From your web browser, navigate to:


Click on Sign in

Enter your usual Strathclyde email address and password

Install the Zoom Client

Download the Zoom Desktop App (Zoom Client)

  • Goto https://strath.zoom.us/download
  • Click the Download and Install button.
  • Once downloaded, open the App
  • Go to the Sign in with SSO button
  • Enter your Strathclyde email address and password

Download the Zoom Mobile App

  • Goto https://strath.zoom.us/download
  • Click the Download in App Store button for Apple iPhone or Download in Google Play for Android
  • Once downloaded, open the App
  • Go to the Sign in with SSO button
  • Enter your Strathclyde email address and password

Testing your setup

It is a good idea to test your computer setup for Zoom using this link:


This will enable you to join a test meeting and check your internet connection, audio and video.

Scheduling a meeting

Click on Schedule a New Meeting

Select your meeting settings:

  1. Topic (Module Code, Class Type etc.)
  2. Description (optional)
  3. When (Date and Time)
  4. Duration (note: this is not a hard limit when the meeting will end, but will give invitees an idea of the meeting duration)
  5. Time Zone
  6. Recurrence
  7. Meeting Password (this is best left unchecked)
  8. Video (this is your webcam - it can be disabled or enabled)
  9. Audio (select Both)
  10. Meeting Options (select Mute upon entry)

Click Save to finish.

Inviting participants

Click on Outlook Calendar (.ics)

Click on Invite attendees and add in the participants

Click on Send

Hosting an unscheduled meeting

(Note: You can do this either from the https://strath.zoom.us home page or after you have signed in).

Click on Host a Meeting and then select either With Video On or With Video Off as appropriate .

If a dialogue box asking appears, click on Open Zoom.

Click on Join with Computer Audio.

(Note: it is always a good idea to test your speaker and microphone at this stage).

Click on Invite.

Click on copy URL. You can then send this via email to your invitees. 

(Note: you can also click on Copy Invitation - this pastes the details to the clipboard so it can then be copied into an email)

Ending a Meeting

On the menu bar, click on End Meeting

Click on End Meeting for All

(Note: If you want to hand the meeting over to someone else, you need to assign them as a Host first by right clicking on them, then you can choose the Leave Meeting option).

Joining a Meeting as a Participant

Once an attendee has clicked upon the Zoom meeting URL they have the option of either downloading Zoom Client software or continuing via their browser.

They are then by default given a video preview and the option to join with or without video. Attendees can unmute their microphones and adjust video settings using the relevant icons in the bottom left corner of the screen.

Quick Tips

Share Screen (hosts & attendees):

The host and attendees (should the host allow) can screen share by clicking the Share Screen icon. The Host can amend sharing rights via the ^ button. Next, simply select the screen you want and the click Share in the bottom right. Videos can be shown via this feature; make sure that you check the share sound box in the bottom left corner though!

Chat Function (hosts & attendees):

Opens up a chat window to the left of your screen.

Manage Participants (hosts only):

This allows you to mute participants, either en masse, individually, upon entry and remove the ability to unmute.

After consulting the guidance all support requests should be directed to videoconf@strath.ac.uk. Extension 5334, +44 (0)141 574 5334. For more information see Video Conferencing Service Booking & Enquiries

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