Editing an Audio Transcript on ZOOM

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1) When you record a ZOOM session, by default ZOOM will create an audio transcript.

Once you have finished the session ZOOM will send you emails to let you know that your ZOOM video and Audio Transcript have been processed and are available for you to view.

2) You can use the link those emails to access or alternatively you can sign into ZOOM by going to strath.zoom.us and logging in using your normal strath login details.  When logged in click 'Recordings' to access your video and the transcripts.

3) Click on the ZOOM Meeting which you would like to edit

4) Click on the 'Speaker View' link which will take you to a page where you can view the video along with the audio transcript down the right hand side

5) Hover your cursor over the sections of text and a small 'crayon' icon will appear in the top right corner of that section of text. 

It will appear like this 

When you hover the crayon it will appear like this 

Click the crayon icon and that section of text will open for editing like this

6) Please note that if you want to exapand the field to check your corrected text, there is a small pull-down corner in the bottom right corner. 

When you are happy with the text click save. 

Then you can close the 'Speaker View' tab. Each section of text updates the entire transcript so there is no need to do anything after you have edited each text section. 

7) At this point, you might be planning to use a ZOOM video link and your job of editing the transcript is complete. But you might want to download the ZOOM created video and upload it somewhere else. If this is the case then you will need to download the audio transcript from the recording page. 

Click the link that says 'Audio transcript' and it will download a file to your usual download folder on your PC. 

The file will be in a .vtt file format which is a commonly used subtitle file format which allows video players to match up the overlaid text with a time stamp. 

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