Marks and Feedback

Marks and Feedback

These pages support the use of the gradebook to record student grades.


Assignment Feedback Types

This page provides an overview of the different feedback types available for assignments in Myplace.

Anonymous marking

What anonymous marking means in the gradebook and how it works.

'View all Submissions' Page

Information on the 'view all submissions' page for assignments

Grader Report

This page will show you how to access the Grader Report where you can edit students grades

Simple Direct Grading in a Myplace Assignment

This support page describes how to grade an assignment and, if you wish, add feedback, and notify the student.

Annotating an Assignment

An overview of the annotation tools in the Myplace grading facility

Upload Feedback Files in Bulk

This support page describes how to add multiple feedback files to Myplace all at once, rather than one at a time.

Uploading marks to Myplace with the grading worksheet

This page describes how to use the grading worksheet to collect and submit marking done away from Myplace.

Advanced Marking

These pages support the use of advanced marking.

  • Marking Guide

    This article will show you how to create, use and re-use a marking guide. 

  • Marking Rubric

    This article will show you how to create, use and re-use a marking rubric. 

  • Allowing Multiple Attempts on an Assignment

    This article will introduce the Attempts feature on the Assignment activity. This lets you specify how many attempts a student may make on an assignment and the conditions under which they may gain a further attempt.

    It will also cover accessing a previous attempt's submission.

    Enabling Multiple Attempts

Marking workflow

Marking workflow enables staff to communicate the marking status of each student submission as: not marked, in marking, marking completed, in review, ready for release, or released.  This tool may be useful in situations where all submissions will have two full rounds of marking or if you wish to release the marks of some students but not others.

Bulk Upload of Marks to Grade Items

Usually the gradebook allows teachers to edit students' grades by graded item or by user (student) using Single View. However, grades can also be added in bulk based on empty grades or percentage scores. This article will demonstrate the process of posting grade items to the gradebook in bulk. 

1) Access your course and turn edition on.

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