GSWM - Adding an Assignment Part 1

GSWM - Adding an Assignment Part 1


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1) In the MindGenius section click 'Add an Activity or Resource' then choose 'Assignment and click the 'Add' button.


2) In the assignment name field type MindGenius Assignment and in the description field type a suitable description, such as 'Create and upload an overview document on using Mindgenius'.


3) In the availability settings set the date to a suitable date and tick enable. (in this case we have used 19th November 2018, but it is probably more suitable to use a future date). Then set the 'Due date' to the Friday of the following week and tick enable. (in this case 30th Nov 2018). 

It's important to note that a 'Due date' only informs the student when the date for submission is and will also indicate to them if they are late submitting. It does not prevent them from submitting after this date. If the teacher wants to prevent submission after a certain date, then the 'Cut-off date' should be applied.

Optional settings are Cut-off date which is described above and 'Remind me to grade by' date which is is used to prioritise dashboard notifications for teachers.

3) Set the 'Marks to be released by' to 2 weeks after the 'Due date' and choose your name from the dropdown menu as the 'Person responsible for return of marks and feedback'. 

Please note the 'Marks to be released by' setting does not effect the grade visibility or 'release grades'. See Grade Visibility - Gradebook for more information about this topic.

The 'Person responsible' dropdown menu is populated by any tutor or administrator enrolled in that specific class.

4) Choose the tickbox for 'File submissions' and the other settings are optional. You can choose how many files you allow to be uploaded for single submission, the maximum size of that file, to restrict the submission to certain file types and word limits (only applicable to 'online text'). 

Video/Audio Submission is a feature of Myplace which allows student to upload video files which the system then uploads to the streaming service eStream and then embeds that video in the assignment grading table.

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