Accordion course format (Collapsible Topics (old))

The Accordion course format will be disabled in June 2024 and removed from Myplace in August 2024. Classes using the format will be moved to the default Moodle Topics format (recommended).

Deprecated From

Jun 18, 2024

Expected Withdrawal /Final Deprecation Date

Jun 18, 2024

Current Status


Deprecation roadmap

The course format is now obsolete and replaced by the Moodle core Topics format. The course format is now obsolete, it will bee removed in June 2024.

What does this mean?

Unless differently specified by users, all classes using the Accordion course format will fallback to the default Moodle Topics format. Currently there are about 100 classes using the old format, many of which are no longer in use.


As the course format will be removed the functionality has not been tested for accessibility.