Learning analytics status:
Currently in development/planning.
System in place:
Journey so far:
OU Scotland are developing learning analytics in relation to concerns regarding improving student success, retention, employability, engagement and improving learning content. It is thought that learning analytics could provide a firmer understanding of how evidence can be used to implement change. However, the work surrounding the topic should be facilitative not directive.
While engaging and involving students in the learning analytics process is difficult because of the nature of teaching at the Open University, there are student representatives who are being consulted.
The systems in place are not integrated but there is a data team working on the construction of a dashboard where student engagement can be monitored.
Future goals:
For the future, OU are deciding on whether Scotland should have a separate dashboard. The hope is that information from existing systems could be pulled together into a dashboard and help them get more insight into student data that will help them tackle their key objectives.
It is hoped that they would be able to monitor the performance and engagement of students from different background, specifically those from SIMD20 post codes. Furthermore, it is hoped that an insight will be provided into performance across different metrics. This includes things like: number of students registering, number of students completing their first assignments, assignment scores, submission rates, the number of student with a good pass, employability data, demographic data.
The Open University is conducting a lot of research surrounding the field of learning analytics so a key goal is to get the researchers to talk to the analysts regarding any implementation process that may proceed.