Learning analytics status:
No system in place or in development
System in place:
Journey so far:
Glasgow School of Art currently do not have a learning analytics system in place, nor do they have any immediate plans to create one. As the School of Art is a studio-based education system, attendance is monitored. Any more than three absences are flagged up and the student would be followed up by their tutor. There is very little integration between the systems, however, VLE usage is monitored (albeit sporadically as the VLE was newly implemented in 2017).
Future goals:
There is no specific learning analytics roadmap, however there is some interest in the potential benefits that learning analytics could bring to the institution. Indeed, student experience and student perception are institutional priorities which could benefit from learning analytics. There is an interest in more comprehensively understanding the overall student experience and knowing how to enhance it. For instance, if library usage is found to be correlated to overall student satisfaction, then this could be a way to improve student satisfaction. There is also an interest in profiling successful and satisfied students in order to learn from characteristics that would enhance employability and course-satisfaction.