Glasgow Caledonian University

Glasgow Caledonian University


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Learning analytics status:

A system is in development

System in place:


Journey so far:

Glasgow Caledonian’s main driver is to enhance learning design, notably for the VLE. Data on attendance, library usage, VLE usage and assignments is already being collected, but this data is not being used or analysed consistently. Their current learning analytics tool, GCU-DASH, collects raw data to monitor modules as a part of quality governance. This enables an assessment of quality and learning outcomes of these modules which would enable improvements in learning design and pedagogy. Systems such as Turnitin, library systems and EdShare are already fully integrated. Glasgow Caledonian University are also running a pilot learning analytics project using Jisc. This pilot project uses VLE and student record data in order to create a baseline (constructed from historic data).

Future goals:

Although there is no official learning analytics roadmap, there is a general plan to use learning analytics in the future as a means of enhancing practice and learning design, and not to use learning analytics to specifically monitor students. There is also a plan to integrate Office 365 to other systems. It is anticipated that Glasgow Caledonian’s future learning analytics tool will be a mix of systems, and the future plans for learning analytics will be coordinated through the Student Experience Action Plan and will be an integral part of the overall 2020 Strategy.