Learning analytics status:
A system is in development
System in place:
Journey so far:
The goals of a future learning analytics system would aim to improve retention, engagement, performance and learning content. Currently, Edinburgh Napier is investigating how learning analytics would work at their institution, and how it could benefit them. Jisc’s learning analytics infrastructure is currently being used to determine a future learning analytics pilot. There is currently no university-wide data collection. There is some data integration, as its student record system feeds into its VLE.
Future goals:
Edinburgh Napier’s current learning analytics roadmap is in an exploratory state, as it aims to determine the future specific aims and benefits of a learning analytics system. The potential benefits of learning analytics would be to have students benchmark themselves, and potentially have staff target early intervention for at-risk students. There is an institutional aim to achieve a 100% submission rate, therefore this is a driver to have submission data available on its student record system, SITS.