University of Dundee

University of Dundee


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Learning analytics status:

A system is in development

System in place:

Blackboard and Moodle (but only for their School of Medicine)

Journey so far:

The University of Dundee’s current goals are to improve retention and progression, but also more generally to enhance student experience, learning and attainment. The University’s Registry are operating a dashboard on retention and progression, and the institution is also participating in a Jisc and Turnitin pilot. The data presently collected is attendance (via sign-in sheets) and library data (entrance at the gates, reading lists and loans), though the latter is not yet used in a learning analytics system. Their VLE, Blackboard, currently does analyse engagement data, however Dundee has moved to Blackboard SaaS (Software as a Service) since January 2019, which could enable a VLE engagement analysis. The University’s Dental and Medical Schools have been using a form of learning analytics system in order to identify students who would benefit meeting with a tutor.

Future goals:

The Jisc and Turnitin pilot should help identify potential improvements in assessments, and a future learning analytics roadmap. There is also an aim to integrate systems such as Blackboard feedback and SITS (a Student Record System). Once a learning analytics system is in place, staff training will be provided.