Learning analytics status:
No system in place or in development.
System in place:
Journey so far:
Robert Gordon is currently in an exploratory stage regarding learning analytics looking at a number of avenues within the university where there may be a place to implement a system.
Their new Strategy Map was released in December 2018. It looks at research relating to learning and teaching. Two key areas they are exploring are: how learning analytics could drive and help staff to explore how students are engaging with their learning, and how learning analytics may help more effectively identify areas of good performance and aspects for development when indicators are looked at collectively. For example, course output; graduate employment; and students satisfaction.
Future goals:
While there is no clear cut plan for if or how Robert Gordon will use learning analytics in the future, they are currently developing and working on implementing system integration. The current work is looking at integrating the students records systems (SITS) with the reporting system hosted on Moodle. Depending on what would then be possible, further developments would focus on joining datasets such as library data and attendance monitoring together.
Before consideration of learning analytics could take place the key objectives for the institution would have to be finalised to understand the impact it may gain. Furthermore, while it is planned that the student union will be heavily involved with any learning analytics solutions that are being considered, the impact on student wellbeing is being address due to concerns that comparing students to their peers may cause undue stress.