Learning analytics status:
Not currently in place or in development
System in place:
Moodle and a bespoke system that work in parallel with each other.
Journey so far:
While a learning analytics system is still not currently in place at St Andrews, their main aims surrounding the issue are improving student well-being and improving pedagogy. There is also work taking place looking at teaching awards and teaching spaces. There are no key issues with retention within the university and therefore this is not an issue that needs addressing.
Currently engagement is being monitored by through capturing missed submissions, attendance, and grades. This data can be gathered electronically and in conjunction with tutors knowing their students. Regarding addressing any problems that may be flagged by any of the previous, human invention is used, and tutors make decisions about contacting students.
St Andrews have some traditional means of monitoring attendance and assignment submissions. There is a wider review of technology and enhanced learning at the institution. While they are interested in and looking into learning analytics, it is not necessarily with the end goal of implementing anything.
Future goals:
In the early stages of considering learning analytics the focus within the university is twofold. Firstly, deciding the questions to answer or the problems to solve with learning analytics. Secondly, looking at what data is available and what the best way is of putting this together.
The university has a rigorous approach regarding piloting and testing systems thoroughly before rolling them out and this would be the case if any system regarding learning analytics was considered.
For St Andrews the hope would be that learning analytics could help strengthen the evidence of their dual goals of student well-being and improving pedagogy so that the institution can move forward at targeting solutions for these problems such as inventions, staff training, and so forth.