Post an Advert

Post an Advert


Targeted adverts are used to publicise events, initiatives, or public safety messages. They are displayed to students in the public Myplace homepage or in the Communication Hub.

Adverts are sent using Myplace. They can be public, or target a specific class or groups.

Please read our Myplace advert guidelines before posting an advert.


Public adverts are shown in the Myplace public homepage.

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From the dashboard or from your Myplace class, you can post an advert notice from the My notices block.

To access this feature, you need to be a member of staff and have a teaching role in at least one class.

  1. Go to the Post notice page

  2. Set the type to Advert

  3. Choose your target audience

  4. Set a start and end date

  5. Compose your advert

  6. Add a link

  7. Add an image

  8. Preview and send

Please keep reading for more details about each step.

Step 1 - Go to the Post Notice page

From the My notices block in your class or in the Dashboard, select the Post notice button.

The post Notice Button is located under My Notices after the list of notices and the View all Notices button.

Step 2 - Set the type to advert

Select Advert from the dropdown under Type.

Step 3 - Choose your audience

The audience of an advert are the people who will be able to see it. You can send a public advert or target specific classes or groups.

If you open the Post Notice page from a class, the class will be the default audience. You can choose a different audience if you want.

If you have the option to send a public advert (one which targets all users of Myplace), your advert will be sent to a moderation queue before being published.

Step 4 - Set a start and end date

Please define the start and the end date under Publication Dates.

Step 5 - Compose your advert

In the Send Notice section you can define the copy for your advert. You can start by adding a subject, a title, and the text. A preview of your advert will be available as you fill in the form fields. Please refer to our Advert Style Guide to create your content.

Please keep your text short and use plain language. You are limited to a maximum of 280 characters. If you need to include a large amount of text, please consider placing this on a web page that is linked to the advert.

Step 6 - Add a link

Continuing in the Send Notice section, you can choose to add a link. This means that when clicked the advert will direct Myplace users to a webpage.

Step 7 - Add an image

Finally, choose an appropriate image for your advert. Please see the Advert Image Specification for help with choosing and editing an image. You can also use the Tint colour option, which will allow you to choose a brand colour to decorate your advert with.

Step 8 - Preview and send

Please ensure you look at the message preview and make any adjustments before sending the advert.

What happens next

If you have posted a public advert, it will be moderated by the Myplace support team. If your advert is approved, the content will go live according to your chosen dates.

If there are any issues with your content or image, a member of the Myplace team will get in touch with you and explain what changes are needed.


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