Adding Course Content

Adding Course Content

Administration block

At the top right side of the page, click  to open the Class administration drop down menu. 

Topic Sections

Adding a 'topic' section

  • After creating your class, there is a section by default called 'Introduction'. In order to add a new section click create a new section at the left side of your class page.
  • Choose a title for the new section and add content. This will prepare students for the activities within the topic or week. The content is shown on the course page under the section name. 
  • Click Create section.

Delete a 'topic' section

  • Then to delete the topic click the large X under the section name.

Organise Sections

  • To move a section choose the section that you want to relocate. Then click on the small arrow under the section name.

You can only place each section before another section.

In this example we want to move section 'Week 1' to end of the list and place it after section 'Week 3'.

  • Choose section 'Week 1' from the section block at the left side of the page. Then click on the small arrow under the section name.
  • Select section 'Week 3' 
  • Clickto place section 'Week 1' before section 'Week 3'.
  • Then we do the same process with section 'Week 3': 
  • Select section 'Week 3' and click on the arrow under the section name. Select section 'Week 1' and place section 'Week 3' before section 'Week 1'.
  • Now you can see section 'Week 1' at the end of the section list.

Edit a 'topic' section

  • To edit a section click Edit section under the section content.
  • A new window will be open and you can edit the section name and the content from here.
  • In order to apply any restriction to that section click Restrict access at the top right side of the page.
  • Then click Add restrictions.
  • Click Save changes at the bottom of the page.

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