Rich Pictures for Creative and Imaginative Learning

University of Strathclyde

Rich Pictures for Creative and Imaginative Learning


The Joint Board of Moderators (JBM) are licensed by the Engineering Council (EngC) to undertake scrutiny of educational programmes in regards to accreditation of institutions offering programmes that it will accept as meeting the requirements to register as  a professional engineer. Consulting the JBM (2017) Guidelines for Developing Degree Programmes (1) offers support that aligns with the aims of introducing the rich picture Afl:

Specifically, the JBM refer to providing students with a ‘stimulating and relevant   education experiences’ (p.3); the provision of a learning environment which facilitates ‘collaboration, creative thinking and ingenuity’ and a requirement to ‘develop freehand sketching as a standard tool of engineering’ (p.4);  for students to ‘think outside the box’ in order to find better solutions’ (p.7); to demonstrate ‘team working’ and ‘ creative skills’(p.7); to ‘undergo reflective learning’ and to encourage students to ‘take   responsibility for their own learning and intellectual development’ (p.8); and to provide the distinctive educational base that will produce graduates who are ‘imaginative, versatile, confident and inquisitive’ (p.23); to encourage students to ‘create and use sketches and diagrams as a direct means of communication or to complement written material or verbal presentation’(p.29);and to  ‘encourage the development of exploratory self-learning’ (p.30)

(1)   JBM (2017) Guidelines for Developing Degree Progammes,



Some typical feedback from students, the attached document provides more themes and examples of the rich pictures.

In conclusion I really valued the experience of the rich picture exercise as it was a great teamwork experience and forced imaginative thinking between the partners. I would 100% recommend this to be repeated for the years to come. It has enhanced my learning and was a very fun learning experience.

This exercise also promoted team-work across the year and provided a new synergistic approach to learning. It provided a fun and energetic way to take on board new concepts. Furthermore, it has taught me how imagery can be a useful tool to communicate and learn information.

I personally have not enjoyed much of the Civil Engineering course, having found the lack of practical learning to be very taxing and de-stimulating. This type of exercise, if included in other parts of the course which are particularly dry I feel that this would enhance the engagement of the students and improve the enthusiasm within the class. As a result of this, it was very refreshing to see the class entirely focussed on the task in hand which was set out.



Rather than deliver at typical 2 hour lecture type session, this required hours more preparation and coordination.

  1. Required to coordinate a one off room for group work through room booking system as lecture theatre unsuitable.
  2. Undertake personal research on rich pictures to make sure I have sound knowledge - say 4 hrs research and read.
  3. Purchase my own flip charts and pens as it has been made too cumbersome to do this through the finance system.
  4. Read the reflective reports and do some basic thematic analysis so that it does have some resemblance to action research and an intended pedagogical intervention- 8 hrs
  5. Type up case study- 3hrs

Circa 15hrs compared to a 2hr lecture

Lessons Learnt

Yes, I piloted the rich pictures with my 1st year class and overall they found it dificult to be imaginative and creative in their representaion of their knolwedge. To some exetent this was also evident in the 4th year case study.

For the 2018-19 session I will spend more time scaffolding the students appreciation of the necessity for creative & imaginative attributes linked to engineering design and to reinforce that the rich picture creation can be a surrogate for using these attributes in  a professional context.

A 2 hour session is required for students to practice and complete a rich picture so that discussion and refelection can be nurtured during the practical activity. Time is required for synergy to emerge from the process of collaboration. So, as suggeted by several students, do not not rush the display of pictures and the end of a 2hr session. Leave this until the following session where students have more time to view and talk to their peers about the display.


This case study was undertaken with an elective class (n=62) where studenst paired up to undertake the rich picture construction. In the 1st year (n=84) pilot, groups of four students were involved in each picture. Rich pictures can be undertaken by individuals or groups so there does not appear to be any scalability issues.

Remember that desks are required so a room with movable furniture will be required.

Suggestions for Transferability

Rich pictures could be used as formative / summative assessment or an assessment for learning exercise in any subject / discipline.

It could ideally be used to explore threshold concepts where students are challenged to make their understanding visual through an informal and playful learning experience.


See attached document (CL437 Rich Pictures) for a soft Thematic Analysis of the students’ reflective comments and rich picture examples.

  File Modified

PDF File CL437 Rich Pictures.pdf

May 14, 2018 by Alex Buckley

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