Using pen-tablets to support interactive learning and teaching

University of Strathclyde

Using pen-tablets to support interactive learning and teaching


Digital technologies are used in various domains ranging from e-books, smart tablets, and smart phones to internet, webinars etc.

A lot of effort is currently being invested in promoting the effective use of these smart technologies within different organisations. These include training the workforce, investing on different resources, hiring professionals to develop awareness and skills in executive courses etc.

One such technology is a pen-tablet, which is a simple input device for a computer or a laptop. However, the full potential of a pen tablet is still not explored within the areas of learning and teaching. One of the main reason for this is a lack of understanding about this device and the innovation approaches it can bring into a teaching environment.

In this study, we aim to present some initial findings from our experience of using this device in a classroom setting


Results of an initial experiment is recorded at the following link in one of author’s MSc class.


A sample case discussion notes is available at the following link, which was developed remotely from the front screen and through physically reaching different groups in class and noting as they speak.



  • Configuring the pen-tablet accurately
  • Selecting the right hardware/software platform for recording videos
  • Time spent in getting use to perfectly deliver a smooth delivery

Lessons Learnt

  • Try other tools/tablets that can provide more flexibility in terms of making annotation, screen writing and smart drawing when operating remotely form projector screen.


37 students were involved in the activity and I do not see any issues in scaling this up to very large classes as long as wireless mode of tablet devices are connected properly and keeping up the signals from distances. The whole idea is for lecturers to move around freely in the class and reach out to every part of the class.

Suggestions for Transferability

Can easily be used in online and blended learning environment as lectures can be recorded in the form of videos, which can be placed on VLE. Any in-class lecture can easily be annotated digitally and support VLE content. Pen-tablets can also be used to control the videos/presentations remotely, which makes it suitable to record and use them in class or online environment. An example video is available to view from the YouTube channel of the author which also explains about how to create these videos using Office Mix for Screen recording





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