Images and page speed

Images and page speed

Please use compressed images

Large images can have a big impact on page speed. Please ensure that all images are compressed before uploading.
There are a range of tools that can be used to compress images, for example TinyPNG https://tinypng.com/
To use the tool simply upload the images (single or multiple) and download the compressed version. The operation can be repeated to increase compression.

Depending on the dimension of the images, please aim at maintaining the file size at a maximum of 80-150 KB for medium photos, and a maximum of 250-300 KB for very large images such as large banners.
Please never use images larger than 500kb.

Other tips:

  • Only use images optimised for web
  • Never use large images that are optimised for print
  • If using image editing software, save the image for web
  • Edit the image to reduce the dimensions to the size that is necessary
  • Consider high density retina screens when dealing with smaller images. For example for a small image of 300x300px use 600x600px if possible