(Strathclyde) Mobile App
The University's award winning mobile app to support students' lives on campus.
A Module is defined unit of teaching at the University. Typically this will be listed in the Class Catalogue, but may not appear here if it is not publicily offered (e.g. it is part of a CPD course or for a specific audience).
Every Module listed in the Module Catalogue should have a Module Site automatically created for it in Myplace.
Module Code
A Module Code identifies a class at the University.
A Module Code may also identify a list of students that are registered for the module identified by the module code.
Different Module Codes may exist within the same Myplace Module Site
Module Site
The prefered term for a space within Myplace used to deliver content. Equivalent to a Moodle Course. See also Myplace Module Site.
A Module Site is used by teaching staff to deliver the content to support a class. It provides tools for teaching & learning as well as access to a number of administrative features such as:
- Notices - For communicating with Students
- Access to the Class' timetable
- Facilities to report class issues to a class representative
A module site may be a single module code site or a multiple module code site
single module code site
A single module code site is related to exactly one PEGASUS class code. The associated module code is set in the site's idnumber setting, and typically takes the form of XX999-ACAD-YY-YY
multiple module code site
A multiple-class code site has a relationship to more than one PEGASUS class code. Depending on the nature of the relationships of the class codes, a multiple-class code site may:
- maintain a link with it's original class code. This will be evident in the idnumber of the site's settings.
- treat all associated module codes equally. Typically this would result in the name of the site being updated to reflect all of the class codes associated. In this case the idnumber must be blank, and the associated module codes are as listed in the module site's Enrolment Methods page.
Moodle is the Learning Management System that the University's VLE, Myplace, is based on.
It is an Open Source product, with over 90 million users and >50% marketshare in Europe, Latin Ameria & Oceania (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moodle)
Myplace Class / Myplace Class Site
The prefered term is Class Site.
The University of Strathclydes virtual learning environment, based on Moodle.
Myplace should always be written with a capitalised "M" and lowercase "p".