This article explains how to set up the assignment activity in Myplace for coursework which is submitted (or presented) offline, ie, so that you can provide marks and feedback but not accept submissions.
Assignment Settings
Note that below are shown only the settings that enable offline submissions, however other settings might also be relevant to your situation, e.g. group assignment settings. If you are setting up a Group Assignment, please ensure that you have created your groups before setting up the offline submission link on MyPlace. There are instructions to help you create groups manually or automatically. In the instructions below, steps that are unique for group assignments are marked with a *) (optional).
Offline Grading and Uploading Grades
Offline grading on MyPlace allows you to grade Assignment submissions without being logged in to MyPlace or connected to the Internet. With offline grading, you enter grades into a customised grading spreadsheet and upload the spreadsheet to MyPlace at a later time.
Note: Offline grading is not available for assignments that use an advanced grading method (such as a Rubric or a Marking Guide).
Entering Feedback
Feedback for offline submissions can be submitted through the comment section of individual submissions, as well as in individual files.
4) Once you are ready click on Save and show next (at the bottom of the same screen) to continue with the next submission on the list, or Save changes to save the changes and remain on the same page.