Within Myplace there are a number of formal and informal roles that can be assigned.
Formal Roles
Formal roles are defined in PEGASUS and can only be updated via the PEGASUS Roles and Responsibilities application.
All of the formal roles are constrained by Student Business / HR rules, and may not be assignable if a particular user doesn't satisfy those rules.
Title | Description |
Class Organiser | |
Lecturer | |
Class Administrator | |
(PEGASUS) Tutor | |
Electronic Marks Returner | |
Users are able to maintain their own roles and responsibilities. In addition administrative staff in departments typically have access to maintain other members of staff' roles
For issues with assigning staff via Roles & Responsibilities see Add Formal Staff Roles to a Class.
Informal Roles
Informal roles may be assigned directly within Myplace and represent users that have a less formal responsibility to the class.
Title | Description |
Tutor | This is a "catch all" teaching role. It is frequently used with Limited Access accounts or for users that may only need to be a "member of staff" on the class for a short period of time. |
Visitor |
All management of Informal Roles is the responsibility of the local, owning department to maintain. Myplace support will not assign or un-assign roles that can be locally managed.