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Increasing interdisciplinary learning opportunities through Consolidation week activities (Sharing Practice in Effective Learning and Teaching (SPELT))
Rich Pictures for Creative and Imaginative Learning (Sharing Practice in Effective Learning and Teaching (SPELT))
‘The Unseen Seen’ or ‘Looking through the Lens’ (Sharing Practice in Effective Learning and Teaching (SPELT))
An Interdisciplinary and International Approach to the Teaching of Glasgow's History (Sharing Practice in Effective Learning and Teaching (SPELT))
Assessment for Learning (Book, Chapter, Jigsaw) (Sharing Practice in Effective Learning and Teaching (SPELT))
MUSE (Models of University and Schools Engagement) (Sharing Practice in Effective Learning and Teaching (SPELT))
The Chemistry Clinic (Sharing Practice in Effective Learning and Teaching (SPELT))
Major Crime Scene Exercise in Forensic Science (Sharing Practice in Effective Learning and Teaching (SPELT))
Collaboration between the Law Clinic and the Centre for Forensic Science (Sharing Practice in Effective Learning and Teaching (SPELT))
First Year HaSS BA Community Placement (Sharing Practice in Effective Learning and Teaching (SPELT))