There may be circumstances when you need to amend an extension that has been granted to a student. This outlines the correct procedure to do this.
This process is not appropriate if the assignment is a group submission activity. Extensions granted to individuals in a group submission activity are not observed. In this case the group overrides function should be used to give the whole group a different due date.
Normally extensions would be requested by the student via the Myplace Extension Request form that is displayed on assignments.
When the request is granted either the date requested by the student is given or an alternative date set by the member of staff is.
Sometimes it is necessary to amend an extension that has been given, for instance the granted date may be slightly wrong. In this case it is uncessary for the student to make a new request.
If a student is requesting an extension via telephone or face-to-face, you should not use this method as it leaves no audit trail of the request.
Instead use the Grant Staff Extension Request option via the Extension Requests in the Assignment Administration panel: