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This article will walk you though the process of setting up an individual assignment on Myplace, explaining the purpose of each setting. 

If you are planning to set up a group assignment, please group students beforehand (check out the following articles). If you are looking to use the assignment feature for activities that will be submitted or performed offline, please refer to the offline submissions article.


If you are unsure about any of the settings click on the symbol near the setting to find out more about it.

Step-by-step guide

1) First click 'Turn editing on' when you are in a class.

2) Click on 'Add an Activity or Resource' on the page and choose 'Assignment' activity from the list.

Click on any of the images below to enlarge.

3) You will be prompted to add a name in the General section, which is mandatory for each assignment activity. This section will also allow you to choose to add a description and display the description on the main page.


You may also provide activity instructions, which are displayed on the Student’s edit submission page. We do not recommend using this at the moment, as the student edit page is typically only access once the student has created their submission, which means they may not see these until very late.

This function is being reviewed by Moodle Core, and may change in the future

You are encouraged to upload any additional files the students might need for their assignment (e.g. an in-depth essay brief or pro-forma).

Moodle Edit Assignment Activity form

The red exclamation icon next to a field indicates that the field is required.

It does not indicate the value is missing.

If the value is missing or there is a problem, the field will be outlined and a message indicating the problem will be displayed

Field with an error

4) The next section is called Availability. Here you can set all relevant dates in relation to this activity. There are four dates you should consider:

  • 'Allow submissions from' -  where you should specify the date and time that students can submit from;

  • 'Due date' - The deadline by which students are encouraged to submit to avoid a late submission penalty. Students will still be able to submit after this date (if the Cut-off date is not enabled) but late submissions will be marked as such;

  • 'Cut-off date' - The date, following which submissions are no longer accepted. Students will no longer be able to submit after this date;


“Cut-off date” is disabled by default as it can impact late submission for students with extensions.

  • 'Remind me to grade by' - The expected date that marking of the submissions should be completed by. This date is used to prioritise your own dashboard notifications.

If the 'Always Show Description' tick is disabled, the Assignment Description above will only become visible to students at the "Allow submissions from" date.

More information regarding late submissions can be found in this article.


If a Cut-off date is specified, and a student is granted an extension, they will only be able to submit up to their granted extension date.

After the granted extension date the assignment’s default cut-off date will apply.

This will prevent students making a late submission to an extension, unless an override to amend their specific cut-off date is created.


New MyPlace tools are being were introduced in 2019/20 academic session that support the management of late submissions and extension requests, both addressing directly Principles 3.4 and 5.5 from the policy and indirectly supporting the policy's strategic aims. You are encouraged to familiarise yourself with the full contents of the Assessment and Feedback (19-20) policy, which you can access here.

5) The next settings are for the Assessment and Feedback policy. See the additional information to the right for each setting.

  • Enable opt-out of University Assessment and Feedback Policy where appropriate (e.g. formative assignments)

  • Marks release date - to inform students when the marks will be released This information will be displayed to students on the activity information page

  • Assigning the feedback and assessment coordinator  - the  single person that is ultimately responsible for the return of marks and feedback.

  • Marking criteria - is the area, where you can define the marking criteria which will display to the students


If you tick the box next to the text This activity is not covered by the University Assessment and Feedback Policy, you will not be able to use the supporting MyPlace tools for Late Submissions and Extensions.  This may be appropriate if you are setting up a formative assignment but it is not mandatory for formative assignments.


If the 'Opt-out' checkbox is not enabled, some other sections of these settings are mandatory for creating an assignment.


The list contains only those people who have grading or grade management capabilities on the course. If the person responsible for return of feedback and marks does not appear on the list they must be given an appropriate role in this class.


If you are using a rubric or marking guide that is visible to students you can enter a notification for students to 'see rubric' to avoid duplication.

See opposite for an example of how the previous settings may appear to students in the assignment. 

6) The following section is called Extension Request Policy, where you can disable the ability of students to request Extensions online. The end-to-end process of electronic extensions management is described in this article. Checking the box beside Late Submission will disable the automated calculation of late submission penalties for students, who submit their work after the due date. You can read more about the MyPlace Late Submissions tool here.


The Grade to Pass field in the Grade section later is a mandatory field, when the Late Submissions Policy has not been disabled.

7) Next, you must set the Submission types you will accept for the activity. 

There are three submission type files allowed:

  • File submissions - If enabled, students are able to upload one or more files as their submission.

  • Online text - If enabled, students are able to type rich text directly into an editor field for their submission.

  • Planet eStream Submissions enabled - If enabled, students are able to submit upload video/audio files for assessment via Planet eStream.

You can set a limit for the maximum number of uploaded files allowed. If this setting is adjusted, each student will be able to upload up to this number of files for their submission.

You can also specify the accepted file types, which will prompt you to choose from a list of file extensions the type of files you wish to accept for submission. If the field is left empty, then all file types are allowed.

The word limit should only be used if online text submissions are enabled, as it specifies the maximum number of words that each student will be allowed to submit.

8) In the Feedback types category you can indicate the how you plan to return feedback to students. There are five categories:

  • Feedback comments - If enabled, the marker can leave feedback comments for each submission.

  • Annotate PDF - If enabled, the teacher will be able to create annotated PDF files when marking the assignments. This allows the teacher to add comments, drawing and stamps directly on top of the students work. The annotating is done in the browser and no extra software is required.

  • File feedback - If enabled, the teacher will be able to upload files with feedback when marking the assignments. These files may be, but are not limited to marked up student submissions, documents with comments or spoken audio feedback.

  • Offline grading worksheet - If enabled, the teacher will be able to download, fill in the marks and comments and upload a worksheet with student grades when marking the assignments.

  • Assignment statistics - If enabled, the student will be shown a histogram of marks across the class, and statistics such as mean and standard deviation.


    The statistics will be visible to the student when they can see the grade column for the assignment regardless of whether they have a grade so, if using this without blind marking enabled, you may wish to consider hiding the grade column until after the assignment has been marked. For data protection reasons, this will not be shown where there are fewer than 10 assignment submissions.


9) In the Submission Settings, you can specify whether you would allow students to store versions of their assignment on the MyPlace platform, requiring them to click the submit button to submit their assignment or not.

  • Require students click submit button - If enabled, students will have to click a Submit button to declare their submission as final. This allows students to keep a draft version of the submission on the system. If this setting is changed from "No" to "Yes" after students have already submitted those submissions will be regarded as final. See info box below.

  • Attempts reopened - can be set never,  'manual' - requiring a staff member to action or 'automatic until pass' - allowing the student to continue submitting until pass mark is achieved

  • Maximum attempts - maximum attempts allowed

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There are some points to consider when using the submit button:
Setting the "Require students click submit button" option to "Yes" on the assignment configuration page gives the student a button which must be pressed to assert that the submission is ready for marking. On pressing this button, the submission is locked, and students are no longer able to edit their submission.

The student is able to upload documents, and other submission content, before pressing the button, and these are shown as draft in the assignment grading interface.

Submit button enabled:

  • The student is responsible for asserting that their submission is ready to be marked.

  • It is likely that some students will not click the button, most likely by accident. You should have a clear process for dealing with this scenario, either by treating these as non-submissions, or agreeing to mark any drafts that have not been submitted after a certain point in time (normally the cut-off date). This should be clearly communicated to the students in the assignment instructions.

  • Some students may wish to edit their submission after submitting it. This will require you to manually unlock their submission.

Submit button not enabled:

  • If starting marking before late submissions are in, you are making a decision that any submissions made before marking starts are being treated as final submissions.

  • Students are unable to upload a draft submission with the intention of submitting a final version late (after the due date) if marking has begun.

10) In the next section, you can adjust the Group Submission Settings. 

If enabled students will be divided into groups based on the default set of groups or a custom grouping. A group submission will be shared among group members and all members of the group will see each others changes to the submission.


Prior to setting up a group assignment, you have to create groups or groupings. Check out the articles in our Group Coursework section for further guidance.

11) In the Notifications section you can adjust the following settings:

  • Notify graders about submissions - If enabled, graders (usually lecturers) receive a message whenever a student submits an assignment, early, on time and late. Message methods are configurable.

  • Notify graders about late submissions - If enabled, graders (usually lecturers) receive a message whenever a student submits an assignment late. Message methods are configurable.

  • Default setting for "Notify students" - Set the default value for the "Notify students" checkbox on the grading form. If enabled, notifications will automatically be sent to students once their work has been graded, unless this setting is unticked during grading.


Recommend that Notify Students is disabled

We recommend that the default setting for "Notify students" is disabled (set to 'No'), especially if you are planning to use online marking.  For assignments created on or after 14 September 2019, the default setting will be set to 'No' unless staff choose to change it.

12) See Turnitin plagiarism plugin settings for MyPlace specific information on Turnitin settings.

Next, you might see a section, called Electronic Management of Assessment. If you do, please disregard this section, as it will soon be removed from the assignment settings. 

13) In the Grade settings you can set:

  • The Grade type - the options you are provided with are 'Point', 'Scale' or 'None'. If 'Scale' is chosen, you can then choose the scale from the drop-down menu. If using point grading, you can then enter the maximum grade available for this activity. 

  • The Grading method - where you can choose to grade using simple direct grading, marking guide or rubric


To ensure a standardised, transparent and fair marking process for all students that complies with the University's Assessment and Feedback Policy, it is recommended you consider using an advanced grading method, such as a marking guide (or rubric, if appropriate).

  • The Grade Category - this setting controls the category, in which this activity's grades are placed in the grade book. The choices that will appear in the drop-down menu are the categories present in the class' gradebook.

  • The Grade to pass - which determines the minimum grade required to pass. The value is used in activity, course completion, automated late submission penalties, and in the gradebook, where pass grades are highlighted in green and fail grades in red; however, this coding scheme is available to view only for staff, not students.


The Grade to Pass field in the Grade section later is a mandatory field, when the Late Submissions Policy has not been disabled.

  • Anonymous marking (Student identity is hidden from marker) - which hides the identity of students from markers. Anonymous marking settings will be locked once a submission or grade has been made in relation to this assignment.


According to Principle 4.1 of the Assessment and Feedback policy: 'Anonymous marking (when the identity of a student is not known to a marker and/or exam board) will be used for all assessments wherever possible and appropriate, including formal
written examinations at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels.'

Anonymous marking is set to 'on' by default in line with the Assessment and Feedback Policy. When using this each participant will be designated a 'participant number' in the 'View/Grade all submissions' page of the assignment. Please note that this does not affect anonymity settings when using the Turnitin 'Grademark' application. Details on how to make this anonymous can be found in Turnitin plagiarism plugin settings.

  • Use marking workflow - If enabled, marks will go through a series of workflow stages before being released to students. This allows for multiple rounds of marking and allows marks to be released to all students at the same time. Please refer to the marking workflow article for more information on when and how you might want to apply a multi-stage marking process.

  • Use marking allocation - If enabled together with marking workflow, markers can be allocated to particular students.

14) In the Common module settings you can set:

  • Availability - namely whether to (1) 'Show on course page', which will make the activity or resource is available to students (subject to any access restrictions which may be set); (2) 'Hide from students',  which will make the activity or resource is only available to users with permission to view hidden activities (by default, users with the role of teacher or non-editing teacher); (3) 'Make available but not shown on course page', used if the course contains many activities or resources to simplify the course page. In this case, a link to the activity or resource must be provided from elsewhere, such as from a page resource. The activity would still be listed in the gradebook and other reports.

  • An ID number, should you wish to include this assignment in a Gradebook calculation.  The ID number can also be set in the gradebook.

  • Group mode to None or Visible/Separate groups. The effect of setting this to Visible/Separate groups is that on the View/Grade all submissions page the grader will see a drop down menu that will allow them to filter the page by group

  • Grouping - which grouping to use for selectable groups


Group mode and Grouping has no effect on how the students see or use the assignment submission point. It's only effect is to make the 'View/Grade all submissions' page easier for graders to view by group.

15) The Restrict access setting allows you to set conditions for accessing your assignment based on a variety of conditions of other elements in your class

16) You can also add Tags to be associated with the activity.

17) In the Competencies section, you can specify the Course competencies linked to this activity, as well as what to do upon activity completion.

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18) Finally, click on Save and return to class or Save and display to finalise the assignment set-up process.

Filter by label (Content by label)
cqllabel in ( "setting" , "add" , "activity" , "assignment" ) and type = "page" and space = "MS"
labelsadd assignment activity setting
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